Title: An Alien at Home
mollywheezyPrompt: #12 Alien, written for
day_by_drabbleFandom: Harry Potter
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Harry/Ginny, Lily Luna
Genre: Humor
Rating & Warnings: G, none
Word Count: 100
Summary: Harry is wondering about his daughter . . .
"Lilikins!" Harry hugged his daughter tightly, kissing the top of her head.
"Da-ad!" Lily wriggled free from his embrace and rolled her eyes. "Don't call me Lilikins. I'm twelve years old now. Honestly."
Harry blinked as his daughter flounced off in a huff.
Harry flew to Lily's window and knocked. She opened the window, rubbing her eyes. "Hi Sweetie. I thought you might want to fly with me and watch the sunrise?"
"Da-ad! I'm too old to share a broom with you! And besides, it's too early." Lily yawned, closing the window.
"Ginny, when did Lily become a space alien?"