Title: The Newest WWW Product Line
mollywheezyWords: 599
Rating: R
Characters/pairings: Harry/Ginny, George, Molly/Arthur, Ron/Hermione, Bill/Fleur, Percy/Audrey
Summary: The Potters and Weasleys give George some new product ideas.
A/N: Mod's Choice for the April Challenge at
hpgw_drabbles. I'm just a bit late posting it here . . . ;)
George tapped his spoon on his glass. When the noise of Sunday dinner quieted, he cleared his throat, "I need everyone's help."
"Of course, son. What can we do?" Arthur said.
"I'm out of new product ideas and sales are dropping. I don't know how to invent things without Fred."
"But George, you've been inventing things without Fred for four years . . ." Ginny started.
"Fred and I had notebooks full of ideas before the war which we didn't get into production. I've been using those. I've tried inventing on my own, but so far I've only managed improvements or variations on current products. I need something completely different."
"We'll all help!" Harry declared. Everyone agreed. "After all, I can't let my investment be for naught, can I?" Harry winked.
George laughed.
Harry and Ginny were cuddled up in bed later when Ginny said, "Do you have any ideas what George could make? He has so many jokes already, and the WonderWitch products, and the entire defensive line . . ."
"That's it!" Harry interrupted. "He needs a new line of products. Some untapped market he isn't currently reaching."
"But what?" Ginny asked.
"I have some thoughts . . ." Harry got out of bed, lit his wand, and began rummaging through a stack of papers on the desk in the corner. "Er . . . Mason brought copies of this catalogue into work today for everyone." Harry handed the catalogue to Ginny.
She took it, exclaiming, "Harry, why are you blushing?" Ginny turned on the lamp, glanced at the catalogue, and gasped, beginning to page through it quickly. "Harry! These are all Muggle sex toys. I didn't know Aurors needed to know about Muggle sex toys?"
"They don't. Mason's Muggleborn, randy as hell, and unfortunately very talkative. Maybe George could make Wizarding versions of some of these?"
"That's a good idea. We may have to narrow it down for him, though. We can ask all of my family what they would like."
"You want to talk to your family about sex toys?" Harry croaked.
"Of course. My family has always talked about everything. Let's send them owls so everyone can be prepared for next Sunday's dinner."
When Harry walked through the door of The Burrow, George clapped him on the shoulder. "Harry, you're brilliant, mate! Although I don't really want to think about what you get up to with my baby sister." George said, winking.
"So, does everyone have their suggestions ready for George?" Ginny called out.
"I think vaginal cream would be a good plan. One gets so dry after The Change."
"Noted, Mum," George turned rather green.
"Ooh, and some cream for ze stretch marks! I have made a list of what else Beel and I suggest." Fleur handed George the list.
"In perusing the catalogue, I find I am very intrigued by the items on page 64," Percy offered.
"Me, too," Audrey chimed in. "I've circled my favorites for you, George."
"My idea is more general," Harry started. "You need a way to connect the catalogue and your display area to The Trace so nobody underage sees the products."
"Very responsible, Harry!" Percy enthused. "I think I could make that work if you want help, George?"
"That'd be great, Perce. I don't want to anger my parental customers after all."
"I vote for chocolate body paint," Ron declared. "Just make sure you add something to it so it won't dry out if you leave it on too long."
"There's a story there . . ." George began, and everyone chuckled.
Hermione buried her face in her hands.
Harry whispered to Ginny, "I don't even want to know." Ginny giggled.