Fic - "Little Blessings" (H/G, R)

Aug 18, 2008 07:48

Title: Little Blessings
Author: lunalovepotter
Pairing: H/G
Rating: R
Word Count: 1067
Summary/Prompt: Count your blessings by thinking of those whom you love.
Notes: Another entry for the Fortune Cookie Challenge at hpgw_otp. Thanks Vixx! :)

When her youngest child had finally gone to sleep, Ginny made her way to the master bedroom where she collapsed on the bed with a thud of relief. She vaguely wondered what in Merlin's name had gotten into her when she'd agreed to have another baby so close to the other two; she was only in her twenties, and she felt more run down than she'd ever done in Quidditch. Six month-old Lily was a handful; the mirror image of her mother with red hair and brown eyes, she insisted on being held all the time and demanded constant attention. Ginny considered it a miracle that she had managed to get her daughter to sleep at all, and now as she lay on the bed staring at the ceiling she let the silence envelop her, ringing in her ears like melodic bells.

Harry had a way with Lily; she would quiet for him immediately, and she gave him her most beautiful smile the minute he walked into the room. She was by all accounts a Daddy's Girl. But with Harry working long hours as the head of the Auror Department, Ginny was frequently left to perform the bedtime routine on her own. It typically took an hour or more to get all three kids to sleep. James and Al would inevitably pop up and try to make an escape within the first few minutes of being put down, which was highly reminiscent of their mischievous uncles Fred and George - while Lily simply refused to go to sleep. It was as if she had no patience for it.

"Long day?"

Ginny looked up at the sound of her husband's voice. Harry strolled into the room with a tired smile on his face. He took off his shoes and work robes and then removed his tie, which he tossed haphazardly onto a nearby chair.

"You could say that," Ginny replied. Her heart warmed as Harry peeled away his shirt to reveal the broad, muscular planes of his chest, well-defined from the three years of vigorous Auror training and occasional games of Quidditch. She sat up, her eyes grazing approvingly over his body.

Harry draped his shirt over the back of the chair. He unfastened the button at his waist, then made his way to the bed where Ginny was waiting for him with open arms. "The kids put on their usual show, I assume," he said.

"Yes, and with an encore. I only got them to sleep five minutes ago. It's amazing how much energy they take out of me."

Harry chuckled. He climbed onto the bed and rested the full weight of his body on top of hers. He bent his head into the curve of her neck, brushing her hair away to kiss her where her neck met her shoulder. His mouth was soft and warm, and his touch insistent. The bulge in his trousers fit comfortably between her legs. She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her ankles to hold him down, scooting her feet up under his arse.

Harry's mouth traced a path up the side of her neck and across her jaw line. He kissed her mouth, and their tongues flirted. He brought his hands up to frame her face, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. Their eyes locked, and Ginny's heart fluttered like a throng of butterflies. Even after all their years of marriage, when he looked at her it still took her breath away.

"So, what did you do today?" he asked, while his lips traced a circuit from her throat to her chin and then returned to make a sweep of her collar bones.

"Oh, I chased after the kids, had lunch with Mum, did a bit of cleaning while listening to the Harpies match on the wireless, chased after the kids some more…and I thought a lot about you." Ginny combed her hands through his hair.

"Mmm. So what did you think about?"

"I thought about how much I love you..." Ginny dropped her hands down to his waist and slowly down the zip. "I thought about how much I love our kids..."

Harry reciprocated by carefully unfastening the buttons on her light blue cotton blouse. He parted the fabric, smoothing his hands over her bare stomach and along the top of her jeans. "I love our kids too."

"I thought about how I couldn't wait for you to come home..." she slid her hands inside his burgundy boxers, and he winced with pleasure as her hands cradled his erection.

"I love coming home." He unfastened the clasp of her bra, and then his hands dropped to her waist where he unfastened the button of her jeans. He slid his body down the length of her torso, his hands trailing along her sides as he kissed her stomach. Then he began to pull her jeans down over her hips, taking her knickers along with them.

"...And about how much I love the way you touch me…."

"You know how much I love touching you …"

Ginny arched up her lower body to allow him to slide off her jeans. He rolled off her long enough for her to kick them off. Then he took off his own trousers, and moved back on top of her.

"But you know what I thought about the most?" Ginny said, as he fit his bulging crotch against her stomach.

"Tell me." Harry cupped her breasts and fondled her dark pink nipples to hard points. Then he bent to take one nipple between his lips, flicking it lightly with his tongue. He rolled his hips along hers, the base of his cock sliding across her fiery red bush.

Ginny moaned appreciatively as the waves of heat rushed over her body. "I thought about…oh yes…about how much I love the way you…"

"The way I what?" Harry raised his hips, positioning his cock over her.

"The way you fuck me." Ginny grabbed his arse and squeezed, forcing him down. She watched as his length disappeared inside her.

Harry groaned, arching his neck back while he braced his upper body with his arms. "I bloody love fucking you."

"I know. Now stop talking, and do it."

"Your wish is my command. Oh, and Ginny?"

She sighed lightly, impatient for him to continue. "What?"

"I love you."

h/g, fic, challenge

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