It's Fic Rec Friday!

May 22, 2009 16:08

Dear MJ, How behind are you?
Pretty damn behind. Here I am, catching up!

Please forgive some of the short notes. I had a lot to put up and not a lot of brainpower after today.

Author: shatteredqueen
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: on_thecouch
Prompt: Past, Present, and Future
Notes: I love this! First off, little!Lucy is so great, if for no other reason than she's just hella awesome all by herself. But, with a healthy dose of Handy!Doctor in here, I can't help but be gleeful. The voice on little!Lucy is just how I'd imagine her without making her cliche or irritating.

Author: aces_are_rare
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: justprompts
Prompt: Demons
Notes: I love this player's voice for Ace and the way she writes descriptions. I also love the concept here, and the Master. And I have no ability to write a coherent pleased!description, but I love this.

Author: savagestime
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: muse_shuffle
Prompt: School mates
Notes: Hilarious!

Author: brigadiertardis
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: oncoming_storms
Prompt: People in our lives
Notes: Moving.
Warnings: Character death

Author: salvagestime
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: oncoming_storms
Prompt: Adventure
Notes: Any story from this author makes me glee. This character evenmoreso. And this is just fantastic!

Author: handysparehand
Fandom: Doctor Who
Community: oncoming_storms
Prompt: If you could go back and change one thing about your life...
Notes: When this author does emo, it's heartbreaking. When they do comedy, it's perfect. This is fantastic, perfectly timed, and just downright awesome.

Author: isalsogreat
Fandom: X-Men
Community: sunday_reveries
Prompt: Stop apologizing.
Notes: This made me go "awwW" without making me want to vomit. We all need dads like Bobby. Or at the very least, we all need to briefly visit dads in the future who are like Bobby.

Author: girl_ofsecrets
Fandom: Heroes
Community: mad_muses
Prompt: Picture prompt
Notes: Say what you will about the latest season of Heroes, this was so flippin' sweet it made my teeth decay as I read it and yet it was so wonderful I read it again until they all fell out. I love stories with mentors and children, and the idea of Claire having her own person to mentor makes me smile.

Author: galeforcehero
Fandom: The Wizard of Oz
Community: writers_muses
Prompt: Wildflowers
Notes: I cried. Wonderfully written without feeling overly sappy. The character just rings through every action and every word. *CLINGS!!!*

==RP Thread==

Characters: handysparehand, shatteredqueen, rude_not_ginger, salvagestime, savagestime
Fandom(s), if any: Doctor Who
Community, if any: realityshifted
Premise: In the wake of the Proper!Doctor's experiment (he believes everyone is an impostor), Handy!Doctor and Lucy opt to subdue him and get him to safety before he hurts anyone or himself. Fights ensue. Eventually subdued, the Doctor is under the careful care of the Master and his universe's Doctor. Also, somewhere in there people go to school together.
Notes: This has been an extraordinary thread to be part of and to read. I'm loving where it's heading and where it's been. Wonderful stuff!
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