Title: When Happy Endings End Fandom: Disney: various Prompt: Worst Case Scenario Medium: Icons Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Death, violence, dark magic, captivity, situations of abuse. Summary: Five icons for each of the Disney princess movies. What happens when the happy endings do not come, and the villains succeed. Spoilers for all films featured.
Fandoms: (1 - 5) Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (6 - 10) Cinderella, Cinderella 3 (11 - 15) Sleeping Beauty (16 - 20) The Little Mermaid (21 - 25) Beauty and the Beast (26 - 30) Aladdin, Aladdin: the Return of Jafar (31 - 35) Pocahontas (36 - 40) Mulan (41 - 45) The Princess and the Frog (46 - 50) Tangled