Update of the familial (kinda) kind...

May 26, 2008 09:29

So! It's Monday. Blarrrrgh. Did not want to get out bed this morning, it was cold and dark and *whine*. But, I got up and made it to work. Thankfully, the Bosses Boss isn't in today, so it's smooth sailing. Tomorrow I get to go on a work field trip - Yay! Means three quarters of my day will be spent wandering around a big technology warehouse ( Read more... )


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Comments 25

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fickwalker May 26 2008, 00:07:13 UTC
Thank you. :) It's going to be an interesting experience...


raynedanser May 26 2008, 00:02:47 UTC
Now.. The familial update..

YAY!!! \o/


fickwalker May 26 2008, 00:07:27 UTC
Hee! Much yay. :)


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fickwalker May 26 2008, 00:35:24 UTC
Not back together, hun. Different Kymmy. :) We've been together now almost two years.

Kymmy is a little bit older than I, so she'll be carrying the first baby. :)


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fickwalker May 26 2008, 01:08:58 UTC
I've been mucho quiet around these parts in the last year or so, so I don't blame you if you feel like you've missed something! :)

If anything, I feel bad because I feel like I've lost touch with some of you wonderful people... And that makes me sad. :(

But yes! Very exciting. :)


augustuscaesar May 26 2008, 00:31:59 UTC
Ooh, that's very exciting news! At least the new laws will make it all much smoother for the two of you when it comes to both of you having custody. Who's going to carry the baby?


fickwalker May 26 2008, 01:07:04 UTC
Hee, 'tis very exciting news. :) We're still in the really prelim stages at the moment, but it's all looking very positive.

Kymmy's going to carry the first baby, she's a couple of years older than me and worried that if she waits too much longer, she won't be able to. I think she's being silly. :) That said, depending on how long this process takes, and how successful it is, who knows if I'll have the chance to carry one. It's all good though... I'm sure things will work out in the end. :)


augustuscaesar May 26 2008, 01:09:20 UTC
She's only in her early thirties, isn't she? Silly duffer *g* But I do understand her wanting to start sooner rather than later.


fickwalker May 26 2008, 01:23:29 UTC
*chuckles* Yeah, she's 32 in November. She's just overly paranoid, me thinks.

*facepalm* Me and a kid. Oh dear. I sure hope I don't traumatize it! lol.


mel_b_angel May 26 2008, 00:55:26 UTC
Whoa now, there's a baby (nearly-sorta-kinda) on the way? Man, no-one tells me anything! Damm. I was gonna ask you guys to adopt me. :P

No, really, thats very very exciting and actually, not that much of a suprise having heard "Well, our kids gonna ... " when hanging out with you guys, but still, exciting! And congrats! And YAY! Baby-Talk!

PS: I make a very good Aunty. *nods*
PPS: OMG SPN FINALE! We hafta talk :)
PPPS: Dude. You're hanging out with engineers? LOL. *giggles*


fickwalker May 26 2008, 01:11:15 UTC
I so meant to tell you! Things just weren't gearing up in order for there to be anything to tell! lol. And hey! We totally have room in order to adopt you. :-P

Exciting, terrifying... Same thing, really. :)

PS: Dude, yes! We need as many Aunty type-family things as possible. :)
PPS: OMG! We so do!!!
PPPS: Bwahaha, not complaining, gets me out of this office until at least 2pm tomorrow. Woot! *twirls*


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