Comment with a fandom or pairing you'd like me to write a drabble about. To give this a bit of a twist, also include a song lyric for inspiration.
For example:
Yami no Bakura/Yami no Malik, "I'm killing time on Valentine/waiting for the day to end/change your taste in men."
Animorphs, "I don't wanna say, "diiiie motherfucker!/But I wouldn't mind if you did/Sometimes even the nice girl's ego has to override the id?"
Again, repost only if you want to. ^_~
And a random list of some fandoms I'm into at the moment in alphabetical order: Animorphs, Archie Comics (Nostalgia kick, SHUT UP) Batman/DC, Bruno and Boots, Chrestomanci, Gravitation, Harry Potter, Naruto, Othello (the manga, seriously), Pokemon, Sailor Moon season R (please ask me for fic with Prince Diamond or Prince Sapphire or both, please), Yu-Gi-Oh, William Brown books.
Taken from
ryuutchi, who is now on my flist!