Title: Dead is Dead-ish Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Jack/Sayid, Sayid/Nadia, Jack/Kate Warnings: goes AU once the O6 get off the island but still spoilery for S4 and 5 Summary: For the hc_bingo prompt zombie apocalypse - Jacob takes a different approach to get the Oceanic 6 to return to the island.
Two Jack/Boone, one Miles/Richard, one Daniel/Charlotte and one Kate and Sayid gen.
these two lanes will take us anywhere Jack/Boone; R; 2000 words; goes AU from the end of S1 but there's some S3/S4 canon sneaking in. Anyway if you saw the S3 finale then you're okay. warning for mentions of drug and alcohol use and descriptions of
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Title: Tomorrow We'll Discover What Our God In Heaven Has In Store Author: tellshannon815 Characters: Sun, Frank, Sayid, Ben, Kate, Ilana, Hurley, Jack. Rating: G Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for S5 Summary: Written for lost_in_108 prompt #44: tomorrow. The thoughts of the characters the night before Flight 316 departs
Title: she's not your queen anymore Fandom: LOST Summary: There's a wide-eyed girl who dances on Tuesdays, and Sayid goes just for her. Pairing: Kate/Sayid Rating: PG-13 Notes: Oh hi Kayid. <3
Title: Sayid Appreciation Day Characters: Ensemble Rating: PG13 Words: 5100 Summary: Shannon organizes the castaways to throw Sayid a surprise party. A/N: Takes place in a fictional season two in which there is the entire season one cast, no Tailies, and the hatch is open.
Title: a kind of wild justice Characters/Parings: Aldo, mentions of Jack, Kate, Sayid, Lennon, and Dogen. Rating: PG-13 for language. Words: 301 Summary: Gone was their trust, gone was his freedom.
Title: how the cracks begin to show Characters: Claire/Sayid Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: Season 6, Sundown Summary: Pretending to be alive is never enough. (108 words) no contract truly signed
Title: One More Day Before The Storm Characters: Sayid, Essam. Pairing: Sayid/Essam Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Only really spoilers for The Greater Good. Summary: Written for zelda_zee who requested Sayid at lostsquee Summer Luau. Sayid and Essam spend their last night together the night before Essam is meant to complete his suicide mission.
Title: and in the spring we'll leave this room Characters/Parings: Ilana/Dogen, brief Ilana/Lennon. Mentions of Sayid and Jacob. Rating: PG-13 Words: 417 Summary: He has eyes that scream loneliness and lips that say nothing. For knopflergroupie's Luau.