Title: Stop My Heart, Start Your Pulse (Part 3 of 3)
xsilverdreamsxPairings/characters: Percival/OMC (Owen) very background Merlin/Arthur; Lance/Gwen; Gwaine/various
Rating: NC-17
Link to Masterpost (
Stop My Heart, Start Your Pulse )
Comments 10
So much in this story to comment on, but I'm in that post-reading state of being utterly lost. I'm going to have to come back and re-read the whole thing before I can comment in any way that is worthy of this story.
Just... thank you. *holds my heart out for you*
I'm so glad you like it, and that it works for you, even though I didn't stick strictly to everything that was in your prompt. And thank YOU for such a great prompt that gave me the chance to take part in paperlegends and create a character like Owen, who I have to say I do love, a little bit. :-)
I absolutely LOVED this. The knights were awesome, and Arthur's loyalty to them and the concepts of the Round Table is just beautiful. Percival and Owen's relationship changing Arthur's perspective on a few things was glorious as well.
And OWEN! Oh, Owen! He's such a beautiful soul, and I'm so glad be didn't die. He and Percy were just adorable together. I had a sniffle when they were reunited because it was just SO lovely and heartfelt.
You know I'm going to be reccing this, yeah?
Edits because I can't grammar when I'm excited, apparently. XD
I love Owen, oh my god, I love Owen. I mean, I created him so that's a bit egotistic, but it's true - lol. I figured if anything could bring a man like Percival to his knees, it would be a deep and profound love - plus I'm a closet romantic. :D
Meep! Please do!!
Thanks for writing!
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