Title: George Weasley is the Devil Team: Team Ron Rating: NC-17 Warning: Sex toys galore
It was official Draco Malfoy hated George Weasley.
For many reasons.
First off, as the man got older the more devious and illicit his joke products got. The rest of the wizarding world may be in love with his adult line but Draco sure as hell wasn't.
Secondly, he had the audacity not only to talk Ron out of being an Auror for a few years on the grounds that he needed help with the store but he somehow managed to keep him working there year after year.
And he couldn't forget that he acutally encouraged Ron to test his new line of aphrodiasictic chocolates on an unsuspecting Draco last Valentines
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Title: Trick or Treat Team: Team Ron Rating: NC-17 Warning: foot fetish abounds A/N: I blame this on my husband. I told him the prompt and he asked if I wrote about a foot fetish (something about 'trick or treat, smell my feet'). So now I am.
Trick or Treat
Going into the relationship with Draco, Ron knew that he was the less experience one. Lavender had been a fumbling breach into maturity and Hermione had been a lesson of exactly what he didn't want: lessons instead of instincts the moment they fell into bed
( ... )
Title: Trick or Treat Team: Team Ron Rating: PG-13 Warning: minor reference to slash A/N: I have nothing.
Trick or Treat
"So explain this to me again?"
Ron sighed. He had been explaining the Muggle concept of trick-or-treating to Draco for four weeks now; ever since Hermione asked him to take Rose and Hugo and he had had that not-so-brilliant idea of including Scorpius in the adventure
( ... )
Kinky Trick or TreatdeathjunkeOctober 20 2009, 15:09:45 UTC
Title: Trick or treat Team: Team RON! Rating: R (kink nudiity bottom!draco, unclear motives) Dra(w)bble:
Ron grinned widely as he took a step back to observe his lover. this was supposed to be a punishment but draco seemed to be enjoying it more than he would ever admit. :D
click the pic to make it larger, click twice for full size
Comments 127
Team: Team Ron
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Sex toys galore
It was official Draco Malfoy hated George Weasley.
For many reasons.
First off, as the man got older the more devious and illicit his joke products got. The rest of the wizarding world may be in love with his adult line but Draco sure as hell wasn't.
Secondly, he had the audacity not only to talk Ron out of being an Auror for a few years on the grounds that he needed help with the store but he somehow managed to keep him working there year after year.
And he couldn't forget that he acutally encouraged Ron to test his new line of aphrodiasictic chocolates on an unsuspecting Draco last Valentines ( ... )
Team: Team Ron
Rating: NC-17
Warning: foot fetish abounds
A/N: I blame this on my husband. I told him the prompt and he asked if I wrote about a foot fetish (something about 'trick or treat, smell my feet'). So now I am.
Trick or Treat
Going into the relationship with Draco, Ron knew that he was the less experience one. Lavender had been a fumbling breach into maturity and Hermione had been a lesson of exactly what he didn't want: lessons instead of instincts the moment they fell into bed ( ... )
Team: Team Ron
Rating: PG-13
Warning: minor reference to slash
A/N: I have nothing.
Trick or Treat
"So explain this to me again?"
Ron sighed. He had been explaining the Muggle concept of trick-or-treating to Draco for four weeks now; ever since Hermione asked him to take Rose and Hugo and he had had that not-so-brilliant idea of including Scorpius in the adventure ( ... )
Team: Team Draco
Prompt: Trick or Treat
Rating: PG
Word Count: 498 (According to Google Docs ( ... )
Team: Team RON!
Rating: R (kink nudiity bottom!draco, unclear motives)
Ron grinned widely as he took a step back to observe his lover. this was supposed to be a punishment but draco seemed to be enjoying it more than he would ever admit. :D
click the pic to make it larger, click twice for full size
Link, just in case
( ... )
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