[Request] Pokemon

Oct 02, 2006 04:40

Fandom: Pokemon (Anime)
Pairings: Jessie/James
Scenario: Smut. Yes, that's it, smut. Well, okay, fluffy smut. The kind of smut that would make you go "awwwww" and giggle at the same time. These two are adorable, but they're not fluffy bunnies. Also: Jessie on top! Like she'd automatically agree to be on bottom. James is kind of obedient as it so it wouldn't take long to convince him. And fluffy or not, Jessie and James are still over-the-top, melodramatic and kind of not right in the head; remember that!

demonoflight, Pokemon, Jessie/James, fluffy smut, 2/10/06

pokemon, request

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