fandom - Harry Potter
pairing/characters - Moody/Tonks or Tonks/Moody
situation - I want this to be a get-together fic about the two of them. Situation is fairly free in how it's done, just don't kill either of them off, everyone else's fair game. Bonus points if you can work in Tonks killing dear old Bellatrix. NC-17 wholly appreciated, but not needed. I want Tonks to love Moody, and Moody to love Tonks none of that one-sided stuff please. I don't care quite how they show it, so long as they (and we) know it.
For half-baked plot bunny idea thing click the cut.
- Tonks meets Bella
- Tonks kills bella
- Tonks (if first kill, needs Moody to help her through it)
(If not first kill, maybe simply needs reasurance)
Selena__Wolf, Harry Potter, Moody/Tonks, Get-together, April 30, 2006