Hi! I happen to think that this community sounds like a lot of fun, so I thought I'd give all the fanfic writers something else to think about.
Because I am a Star Wars geek who is sadly not too happy with the prequels, I want a Star Wars ficlet!
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Obi-Wan/Anakin
Situaion: I'm not picky. Y'all have fun with whatever strikes you as workable!
Genre: AU, hopefully with slightly less angst and a bit more hope/happiness than the movies allow for.
Notes: I want total AU. Specifically, I want Qui-Gon Jinn to have survived the battle with Darth Maul. Because the Jedi Council still wouldn't budge on the issue of Anakin, Qui-Gon took his most recent Padawan (Obi-Wan) and his newest Padawan (Anakin) and left the Jedi Order to set up shop in the Outer Rim. Jedi disillusioned with the politicking of the Jedi Council followed, including Dooku, and the Clone Wars began almost immediately because the Separatists allied themselves with Qui-Gon's new order and Dooku brought all of his knowledge - including the creation of the clone armies and the fact that the Republic is currently being run by a Dark Lord of the Sith - with him. The Jedi Council refused to believe Dooku's warnings about Sidious, just as they refused to believe Qui-Gon's warnings about the Sith who attacked him on Tatooine, and they refuse to have anything to do with Qui-Gon or any of his people now, and so Palpatine (and therefore the Republic) has managed to declare war on Qui-Gon's order and his followers, in an effort to protect his secret and advance his plans for the creation of a Dark Empire. This ficlet can be set at any time after the wars start (and yes, I do actually mean wars, plural, not just one war), and if you want it to take place during a truce that'll also be fine with me. Include Padme and the peoples of Naboo if you want, but I want a real relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin, not just a situation where one is pining or has an unrequited crush on the other. I want something more than a convenient warm body on a long, lonely mission. Sex is not necessary, be it in the fic or in their relationship, but I want it to be clear that these two love each other and either will be or are committed lifemates.
Bonus points quotes: "I have a bad feeling about this . . ."
"Master . . . Take a flying leap."
"You know I hate it when you do that!"
"Do or do not, eh? What about door number three?"
"Well, she said I could drop in whenever I wanted . . . "
"That was not an invitation to tackle me, Anakin!"
Bonus points situations/occurences: Floating fruit or dessert; Obi-Wan speaking Yoda speach or/and mimicking other Council members; Qui-Gon and his soulmate entering into some delicate negotiations while Anakin and Obi-Wan are otherwise occupied.
Have fun!!!!