Title: Prism Fandom: Harry Potter Characters: Bellatrix, Snape, Lucius, Voldemort Rating: PG Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the creation of J.K. Rowling, not mine. Request: Madness by chiave_trust
I think "madness" is an interesting concept to play with, especially when you didn't place other restrictions on top of the prompt. I've always been fascinated by functional "mad" characters... Like I wrote in the fic, how does one define madness anyway? There are a lot of potentials...
So thank you, for your prompt inspired me to a brief contemplation of the subject :-)
Comments 4
Aside from that, it's fairly good. How did you find the prompt?
Thank you. I find it on my Friends list? I have fic_on_demand added...
I think "madness" is an interesting concept to play with, especially when you didn't place other restrictions on top of the prompt. I've always been fascinated by functional "mad" characters... Like I wrote in the fic, how does one define madness anyway? There are a lot of potentials...
So thank you, for your prompt inspired me to a brief contemplation of the subject :-)
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