Title: Common People Pairing: George/Mitchell Word Count: 882 Rating: PG A/N: Written for phantomreviewer for the ABC meme, 'temptation'. Pre-series. Summary: After meeting George for the first time, Mitchell visits him again.
Yeah. *dreamy place* Like Mitchell, I'd be drinking a lot of tea too, just so I could watch George. This was really on the bitton with voices, atmosphere and development. I liked it a lot. :)
Comments 17
This was really on the bitton with voices, atmosphere and development. I liked it a lot. :)
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I always fall for the complex, borderline OCD ones. Like goes for like I guess *g*
"It was a pigeon."
"Did you get rid of it?"
"I killed it... with a shoe."
And "You smell like a Polo... do you have a hole?"
Only George! XD
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Because Annie is very straight forward, they have to like her, as it were, but the two of them. Oh so complicated.
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