Title: Inappropriate Places Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Word Count: 512 Rating: NC-17 A/N: Smutlet written for comment_fic. Summary: At the top of the castle, Merlin finds that Arthur is far too impatient to wait any longer.
Is there anything more thrilling than the forbidden act of public sex? (Okay, so I wouldn't know personally, but I have a great imagination)
Arthur is so naughty in this, I love it. Sexing Merlin up in broad daylight, on top of a castle? Boy has no self control. And that's how it should be when it comes to getting dirty with his pretty little manservant.
Comments 11
Is there anything more thrilling than the forbidden act of public sex? (Okay, so I wouldn't know personally, but I have a great imagination)
Arthur is so naughty in this, I love it. Sexing Merlin up in broad daylight, on top of a castle? Boy has no self control. And that's how it should be when it comes to getting dirty with his pretty little manservant.
Thanks for this!
also:Merlin can feel the puff of Arthur's skin on the nape of his neck I think you meant puff of Arthur's breath :)
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