Title: Admitting Defeat
Characters: Charles Widmore, Penny (Desmond/Penny)
Word Count: 638
Rating: PG
A/N: For day two of Lost Riffs, the location prompt. They always say to write what you know, so here's a post-island ficlet set in
Princes Street Gardens and
Princes Mall in Edinburgh this morning.
Summary: "Charles hates Scotland in winter -
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Comments 7
(sorry about the weather ;) )
ahhh Charles. feeling too good for the common places he's in, how well described. but love wins over money, pal!
I like your Penny a whole lot ♥
I love how clearly I can picture this, and I love Penny here. Wonderful fic!
Also, I'm sorry the weather wasn't great, but Edinburgh, as far as I remember it (I've been there for a few days a couple of years ago) was really a nice town.
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