Title: Mastery Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar Word Count: 506 Rating: R Warnings: D/s, spanking A/N: Set in the For Them 'verse. Written for comment_fic. Summary: Sylar teaches Mohinder a lesson.
I love the way you play with the power dynamic here. Even with Mohinder in a submissive position you still manage to have him retain a certain stubborness and assertiveness in his attempt at defiance. I love how Sylar is turned on by both Mohinder's refusal to "give in" and that in this particular situation he has that control over Mohinder he's always desired but can't get in a "normal" scenario.
They're both incredibly turned on by the melding of what they want and what they're willing (and unwilling) to show. You can just imagine the internal conflict going through Mohinder's mind. I really appreciate how you have Sylar respond to Mohinder's strength. Yes, there's an element of breaking him down, but I like that you have him admire what makes Mohinder such a truly exceptional adversary.
Comments 7
*looks around* Did I take my blood pressure meds today? *faints from the hotness*
You. own. my. SOUL!
cheers! <33333333333333
I love the "For Them" 'verse, like the perverse little madam I am. Thank you!
Good god.
Want. Moar.
They're both incredibly turned on by the melding of what they want and what they're willing (and unwilling) to show. You can just imagine the internal conflict going through Mohinder's mind. I really appreciate how you have Sylar respond to Mohinder's strength. Yes, there's an element of breaking him down, but I like that you have him admire what makes Mohinder such a truly exceptional adversary.
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