Title: Watch Him Slip Away Pairing: John Paul/Kieron Word Count: 400 Rating: NC-17 A/N: Written with 7_deadly_sins_'s "Lust" prompt. Summary: He's trying desperately to hold onto what he knows he's already lost.
"and haven't actually watched a single episode since Kieron died!"
My principal interest in the show was John Paul storyline, so I stopped watching too! I really loved how Kieron & John Paul relationship went on (well despite the marriage thing that was a bit fast I think) and you really wrote them right! :)
Comments 5
Thanks for sharing.
brilliantly written as always x
*is still trying to get over the fact that you really wrote something about those two!*
Kieron despair & attachment toward John Paul is a thing of beauty! ^^
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My principal interest in the show was John Paul storyline, so I stopped watching too! I really loved how Kieron & John Paul relationship went on (well despite the marriage thing that was a bit fast I think) and you really wrote them right! :)
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