Title: In Retrospect
Characters: Eden, Chandra, Gabriel (mentions of Eden/Mohinder)
Word Count: 360
Rating: PG
A/N: Written with
a_to_z_prompts 'Ill-fated'.
Summary: (she wishes she'd managed to keep such a clear head around Chandra's son)
When she first saw him, he was coming out of Professor Suresh's apartment (such a long time ago now; a lifetime of changes for both of them). He stopped in surprise at the sight of her half-way down the hall. She had a bowl of macaroni cheese in her hands and he'd been clutching onto a satchel bursting with books. He'd looked sweet, innocent, harmless. She hadn't even thought to warn her bosses about Chandra's visitor (how different it would be if she had; Chandra might still have been breathing).
"Who was that?" she asked once she let herself into her neighbour's apartment, trying to keep her smile from becoming a smirk when she saw how she'd startled him. He squirreled away the files and papers that had been on the table top: she wished for another peek into his research, another glimpse at how he was coming along. "The cutie that just left?"
"You think Gabriel's cute?" Chandra asked, with a smile of his own as he found plates for them.
"Sure, in that geek-chic kinda way," she said (and Mohinder hit those buttons so much harder, so much easier, but now she doubts if she'll see him again).
Chandra looked at her in interest and she moved into his kitchen, bringing her macaroni with her. The bowl was hot enough to hurt her hands so she gladly placed it down on the counter.
"If you'd like me to put a good word in for you…" he suggested (sly old dog, always trying to push her non-existent "love life" forward; her Chandra, her Papa Suresh).
She laughed and shook her head. "I'm not really looking for anyone to date right now. Sorry," she said to excuse herself. She had a job to think about, keeping an eye on him and his research. Getting involved, getting distracted, it just wasn't an option (she wishes she'd managed to keep such a clear head around Chandra's son) and she doubted if Gabriel was her kind of guy anyway.
(Staring into his black eyes through this thick pane of glass, holding this gun in her hand, she knows she was right.)