Title: Silence
Pairing: Danny/Nicholas
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
A/N: For
varietypack100's 'Sunrise' prompt.
Summary: Watching the sunrise, Nicholas finally knows the meaning of 'home'.
This is all pretty domestic, isn't it? Sitting on the grass outside Sandford, watching the sunrise, eating ice-cream. Despite the sling on his arm - he's got a rogue sheep to thank for that: they're vicious creatures at times - Nicholas feels the warm hug of normality's arm around his shoulders.
Surprisingly enough, that arm belongs to Danny Butterman, still in his uniform and still on duty as he grins and watches the colours beginning to break through the sky. Leaning his head against Danny's shoulder and feeling all his worries vanishing with the night, Nicholas smiles, surrenders and closes his eyes.