Title: Playwright
Pairing: Unrequited Karofsky/Kurt
Word Count: 1892
Rating: R
A/N: I wrote the first half of this ages ago, and then forgot about it until
lenina20 gave me a prompt that reminded me of it.
Summary: Karofsky follows the script life gave to him.
Playwright )
Comments 2
God, this is SO depressing!
You wrote this so well! TBH, I really don't like the Karofsky character (at least in canon) so it really means something when somebody can make me feel sad and depressed and miserably unhappy for a character that I have actively hated for over six months now!!
Your writing is extremely powerful.
and this? geez, you made him real, you made it raw, and I think my heart broke for a character I don't know at all. kuddos to you, baby.
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