Title: Myself in Your Hands Pairing: Eliot/Hardison Word Count: 1370 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: D/s, gunplay A/N: Written for character_bleed for the Five Acts Meme. Summary: Eliot is overwhelmed by the trust Hardison puts in him.
I love it when slash fic is emotional without being girly or smooshy, and you did a great job of it. :3 I love that he can make Hardison shut up, or that he doesn't want to let it all out, like the possessiveness... It's sweet, and makes me all melty inside. And hot, hot and melty.
("There's a hidden viciousness hidden beneath his skin" is a tad too hidden, I think, btw)
Comments 3
("There's a hidden viciousness hidden beneath his skin" is a tad too hidden, I think, btw)
WOW wonderful and powerful
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