Title: Retrograde Motion
Pairing: Castiel/Lucifer
Word Count: 5386
Rating: PG-13/R
A/N: Written for
speccygeekgrrl, for the trope meme "amnesia" prompt. Also using for
10_per_genre. Goes AU from 5x16.
Summary: In a quiet suburb, Castiel lives a peaceful life with Lucifer with no memory of what came before. Dean and Sam struggle to bring him home.
Retrograde Motion )
Comments 17
I really enjoyed that! More than I should as a Dean/Cas shipper [don't tell anyone or they'll take away my membership card for sure!]
I felt so sorry for Cas. and when Gabriel asked if it had been a rescue or a kidnapping? Brilliant.
This was so great.
Well, that explains the oil spill...
This was so sad! Poor Castiel, he can't know what's going on without it hurting him so deeply, but he can't afford to be blissfully ignorant either.
I liked Gabriel asking whether they'd rescued him or kidnapped him. Winchesters would never ask that question, they're so certain that what they're doing is the right thing to do.
The ending was so wistful...
Excellent story ♥
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