Title: The Long Road
Pairing: Castiel/Lucifer
Word Count: 3648
Rating: R
A/N: Written with a
10_per_genre prompt. This was written before 5x10 aired, and therefore is not canon-compliant with that episode.
Summary: Lucifer knows how to be patient.
The Long Road )
Comments 11
This was really fantastic. I loved how you had it as a series of encounters... that really drives home the concept of patience, which is really shaping up to be the tenet of his character as we see more of him. I loved the bit at the end where he wishes he could lie, but he really just can't. It's a total compulsion.
This slow approach that Lucifer is using with him, especially now after 5x10, was very much like in the show . You can feel it slowly cracking the wall of faith that Castiel has. Very well written, I loved it!!!
More please???
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