Sudden! Unexpected! Micro-Round for New Year's

Dec 30, 2013 18:00

Helloooo, fic_rush!!

Amyone else out there already thinking, "Wow, I really want to write more next year?"  Anyone else get frustrated because this just wasn't a very writerly year?

Okay, maybe it's just me.

Whether it is or not, I have spontaneously combusted decided to have a Sudden! Micro-Round starting at midnight GMT New Year's, and continuing for 24 hours, through New Year's Day.  I'm not going to post every hour, or even try, but I'll post on any hour that I can.  If you'd like to start the year with some writing, join me!  Check in on the most recent hour, whenever it is.  If you want to usurp an hour or more somewhere, have at it!*

Let's get some writing done!  Or whatever else you want to 'Rush about.  Special virtual cookies will be given to anyone who opens a neglected WIP, or is doing Yuletide treats or otherwise filling prompts.

Come join me if you can!  Tell anyone who might listen!

The Micro-Round will start tomorrow night at midnight GMT, which is the following times elsewhere:

7 pm EST
6 pm CST
4 pm PST
11 am in Sydney, Australia

*If you have never modded, you'll have to contact me to get posting access, so plan ahead if that's the case.

check-in, rounds 41-50, schedules

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