Well so far 2009 is a pile of poo

Jan 01, 2009 01:25

It started out okay. I dressed up nice, a pretty jeweled shirt, warm pants, with a nice flowing skirt over them. I put on nice warm tights, heavy socks and my kolflach boots. When I reported to where I was suppose to work, the place was empty. One of the artists had canceled, and nothing was going on until 9pm. First poo, I was looking forward to seeing

I checked with the information booth, and they sent me to the Hynes. I was assigned to an information booth on the second floor. Where I mostly flirted with a 19 year old security guard who thought I was 60, and pointed people to the bathroom.

Around the table and to the right. Pay phone is over there, and bubbler is on the left. All night long. At least I had nice people to hang out with. Since I had the stick, people were kind enough to get me hot coco, and a soda. Good thing I brought along a pop tart for my 9pm meds. I did get a couple of chicken fingers, mostly I ate the pop tarts.

At eleven pm, I was told to close the information booth, and to sign out. Right after the fire marshal decided it was to windy to set off the fire works. Second Pooo, since I worked during the procession, an the 7pm fire works.

So I cleaned up my area, and went down stairs to check out. Asked if there was a wrap party, or a place to hang out until midnight, the guy running the volunteers said no and that I should head home. Just read my twitter feed, there was a wrap party it's on twitter! Poo the third.

But wait, it gets worse.

I headed home, directing people where to find the T, and how to get where they needed to go. I'm nice that way. Got to the blue line, and the train I got on broke down at Beachmont. Well just before Beachmont. So that my friends is where I was at midnight, stuck on a blue line train. I wanted to cry, so I did for a bit.

Waited twenty minutes for the 412 to arrive at the bus stop, hell I could have walked home in twenty minutes, except the wind was blowing me sideways. The snow was blowing so bad you had to push your way through.

It was at least fun to watch the four police cruisers at Lido...

Came home to a freezing cold house. With two crazy dogs, and a couple of oversized rodents (Spencer and Fidget) all freaking out. The dogs were running to the stairs and back, barking at me. Byron almost knocked me over! They got all over me when I tried to take of my heavy boots. I got to the steps and discovered a big puddle of liquid poo. Boy, what fun that was.

When I walked upstairs I discovered the back door was open, wide open! Snow in the house open! Now odd thing, I don't use that door much, well not in the winter. I always lock that door, deadbolt it and all. So how did that door open, and how long will it take to melt the snow that was IN my house.

The dogs were going crazy when I closed it, barking and scratching at it. And! I smelled poo. Not the poo I had in my hands, but another poo. I went on a poo search, and found more puddles in the front parlor. Four puddles of poo. Just my luck. Poo four through seven, just what I needed to top off my night.

More Poo....

I turned on the faucet in the sink to keep the pipes from freezing tonight. The dogs have finally calmed down and are fake sleeping at the foot of the bed.

So if any one asks, 2009 is full of shit.

first night, dog poo, new years eve

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