The Life on Mars Anonymous Pornfest

Jan 26, 2008 17:43

Please Note: I've declared the Pornfest over (as I can't be bothered to keep the prompt list up-to-date!) So any new prompts posted will be deleted. However, I do encourage you to post any anon fic in response to the existing prompts and comment on the lovely responses that we've already got ( Read more... )

friendslist challenge, fic, anonymous pornfest, life on mars, the internet is for porn

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Fic: Part 3 anonymous February 6 2008, 08:20:58 UTC
‘Fuck me,’ he rasped on another slow thrust of his hips, up, then down. ‘Fuck me, fuck me…’ A harsh plea on each movement, and the insistent pulse of both was driving Gene mad with lust. With a sudden growl, he gripped Sam hard by the hip and the back of his neck and pushed out of the chair, sending them both sprawling across the threadbare carpeting, Sam on his back and Gene covering him, still buried inside him ( ... )


Feedback anonymous February 6 2008, 09:10:52 UTC
Oh, my. What a story to start the day off with. Wonderfully, thigh-clenchingly hot with genuine affection between the two shown at the end. Marvellous. :)


Re: Feedback anonymous February 6 2008, 19:23:29 UTC
Aw, I'm glad to hear the balance of hot/affectionate actually worked! Thanks!


Re: Fic: Part 3 anonymous February 6 2008, 11:28:20 UTC
Holy, fucking....

That's mind-meltingly hot. You hit all my buttons. And a few I didn't realise I had. And now I've got to sit at work with a beet red face!

Just brilliant!


Re: Fic: Part 3 anonymous February 6 2008, 19:26:06 UTC
Well, that makes two of us blushing now! Glad you liked it!


feedback anonymous February 6 2008, 11:57:06 UTC
dear god that was fucking electric.

I am completely spent and now I have to put in a full day's work.

The blazing hot Gene/Sam action and then the loving coda at the end, brilliant. I'm just going to go have a cold shower now.


Re: feedback anonymous February 6 2008, 19:32:34 UTC
Oh, dear. Still, glad it worked for you, cheers!


feedback from requester. anonymous February 6 2008, 12:36:39 UTC


Unable to form words.

To be frank, I am printing this off and going to bed. YES.

Thankyou. Have my babies you beautiful person!


Re: feedback from requester. anonymous February 6 2008, 19:37:14 UTC
And thank you for the prompt!

To be frank, I've never written anything remotely like this before (i.e. fic, slash, smut, w/e), but I kept skimming past that short simple prompt and it was bloody well doing things to me each time. Gah.

Anyway, very happy it did it's job, glad you enjoyed it!


Re: feedback from requester. anonymous February 7 2008, 17:17:08 UTC
You're joking? Wow! Thankyou so much for giving into it :D I hope you'll be doing teh p0rn again at some point ;) or some seriously slashing at the very least!


anonymous February 13 2008, 10:14:15 UTC
I've never written anything remotely like this before

That is amazing; this fic is so good, and so hot, you MUST MUST MUST write more!

*calms down, remembers manners* What I mean is - this is seriously well-written; wonderful description, beautiful character observation, the love and trust between them is so clear, the sex is wonderfully hot, the way Gene understands so well what Sammy needs at this particular time. It really is good, and I would love to see more from you, with or without secks. (Although with secks would be best, obviously, but don't let that stop you posting something without.)


anonymous February 13 2008, 17:44:45 UTC
Huh. Wow. Um, I really wasn't expecting this many people to like this, and now it seems I owe everyone a round of knickers? *blinks around confusedly*

I'm blushing at all the praise now, but might still try to write more... actually, I started on writing another prompt here, but it was getting long and, like I said, this prompt kept making me twitch, so I hoped it might be a simple enough starting point for a really short piece. Three separate posts later... *facepalm*

So yeah, might try to wrap that one up before tomorrow, after that who knows. But thanks for the encouragement, much appreciated :)


Re: Fic: Part 3 anonymous February 7 2008, 23:45:36 UTC
Blimey!! Guh...phew...

*fans self - too late; spontaneously combusts*


*mod* anonymous February 8 2008, 00:54:21 UTC


Re: Fic: Part 3 anonymous February 8 2008, 04:16:54 UTC
(*dazed giddy smile*)

...Could somebody please pass me a bucket of ice water? My pants seems to have burst into flames...


Re: Fic: Part 3 anonymous February 10 2008, 18:55:05 UTC
New knickers required - thank you for destroying the old ones so damn filthily!


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