The Life on Mars Anonymous Pornfest

Jan 26, 2008 17:43

Please Note: I've declared the Pornfest over (as I can't be bothered to keep the prompt list up-to-date!) So any new prompts posted will be deleted. However, I do encourage you to post any anon fic in response to the existing prompts and comment on the lovely responses that we've already got ( Read more... )

friendslist challenge, fic, anonymous pornfest, life on mars, the internet is for porn

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Fiction - Helping Hand - Part 3 anonymous January 28 2008, 16:19:40 UTC
Gene gasped. Not just from the sudden and swift arousal that shot from his head to his dick to his feet and back again, but from the shock of what had caused it. He knew he should move out of the way. Intellectually he knew he should jump back and immediately punch Sam in the kidneys, ensuring next time he peed it would contain blood, but he didn’t because it was warm and it was wet and it was Sam, and he’d just inadvertently admitted he was gay, and Gene was still stumbling from the knowledge that it meant, maybe, he had a chance, and forget what was turning him on, that knowledge meant nothing in the world could turn him off right now ( ... )


Re: Fiction - Helping Hand - Part 3 anonymous January 28 2008, 16:34:46 UTC
That is bloody brilliant. Pervy and funny and hot, blasted hot. Hmmmmmm....


Re: Fiction - Helping Hand - Part 3 anonymous January 28 2008, 17:35:12 UTC
Hee! Thanks alot. The 3 things I was going for :P


STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 16:37:42 UTC
Fan-bloody-tastic! I really didn't think anyone would take me up on this prompt but you've done a brilliant job with it. It's funny as well as hot and very sexeh, and of course I love cheeky sneaky Sammy, not that I think Gene is going to be particularly cross with him in the end. If the pair of them have started off like this, really there are very few kinks I think they'll find not themselves later on down the road. Gorgeous. Thank you so much.


Re: STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 17:14:30 UTC
I have to say when I saw the prompt, I didn't think it would get a response either. This is not a heavily written kink in any fandom. But then I thought, it's one of my kinks too and I've been wanting to write something about it for a while, and was always warned off it, and then the idea came to me and WOULD NOT GO AWAY. And before I knew it I was typing. The original idea actually went on with Gene peeing on Sam in the bathtub, but after I hit 1000 words I figured I better stop :p

So yeah, Gene's far from mad at Sam and if they continue to be written in my universe, they have the kinkiest, dirtiest, sometimes illegal hot sex forevermore.

Anyway, thank you for giving me the prompt, truly. Usually, writing for me is like getting blood out of a stone, and I end up crying and shaking - it's awful. But I had so much fun with this and I actually enjoyed writing! I want to write more kink now.


Re: STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 17:17:00 UTC
I want to write more kink now.

Oh god. PLEASE!!!

*kneels at feet*


Re: STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 17:18:25 UTC
And now I'm thrilled to know that my kink is someone else's kink, and of course that it got you writing so brilliantly. I'd love to read the bathtime version too, even if it isn't yet finished. Please do go with it if you can! I'm all for dirty, kinky, illegal hot sex, much more so that I would usually ever let on. Great minds perv alike and I think we're certainly on the same wavelength!


Re: STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 18:22:05 UTC
Ok, you've convinced me. I may write a mini-sequel. And it's totally not cause I can't get the image of Sam being peed on in the bath out of my head, k? Just so we're clear. Be warned though, this is going to be hard to pretty up, so it'll be intense and dirtier... doesn't bother me one jot cause I'm filthy, but anyone who it will... y'know.


Re: STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 18:27:10 UTC
Intense and dirty does it for my filthy mind every time so no worries, bring it on!


Re: STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 19:09:42 UTC
And so she reveals herself... *g*


Re: STUNNED REACTION anonymous January 28 2008, 23:07:45 UTC
I can't get the image out of my head now either, but that's not a complaint! I look forward to the even filthier sequel.


Feedback anonymous January 28 2008, 17:56:21 UTC
I love drunk!Sam and when he's manipulating Gene, he's even sexier.

One of my favourite lines is:- “Yeah, yeah,” Sam cut him off, “You’ll kick my fairy, nancy-boy whatever, early grave, blah blah."
So Sam :D


Re: Feedback anonymous January 28 2008, 18:18:00 UTC
Yeah I really felt like that line was Sam responding for the audience. It's become such a standard for Gene to threaten after sex now, that as I started to write Gene's original response, my brain constructed it as 'nancy-boy whatever, etc.' Granted, it's not very classy to wink at the audience, but I'm writing about peeing - no one said I was classy, k?

Glad you liked it!


Re: Fiction - Helping Hand - Part 3 anonymous January 28 2008, 18:03:14 UTC
Hot. Mmm. Write more kink plz kthnx!


Re: Fiction - Helping Hand - Part 3 anonymous January 28 2008, 18:24:46 UTC
Am all over it.


Re: Fiction - Helping Hand - Part 3 anonymous January 28 2008, 22:50:52 UTC
This is one of my dirty hot sekkrit kinks, and you just made it even dirtier and hotter. I am eagerly awaiting that sequel!


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