The Life on Mars Anonymous Pornfest

Jan 26, 2008 17:43

Please Note: I've declared the Pornfest over (as I can't be bothered to keep the prompt list up-to-date!) So any new prompts posted will be deleted. However, I do encourage you to post any anon fic in response to the existing prompts and comment on the lovely responses that we've already got ( Read more... )

friendslist challenge, fic, anonymous pornfest, life on mars, the internet is for porn

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Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 15:52:00 UTC
Unearthed from somewhere at the back of the wardrobe, a bit moth-bally but nothing that a trip to the dry-cleaners hasn’t sorted out. Wasn’t sure if he’d still fit into it at first. Bit tight, but tight in all the right places, shows off certain aspects to their best advantage, and it isn’t going to stay on for very long after all ( ... )


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 16:25:27 UTC
That is absolutely gorgeous and a complete and lovely surprise under this post. Far more sensual than pr0n-ny, not that I'm objecting of course! :D

one Christmas Day when he unwrapped his oh so very much longed-for Action Man, unwrapped more than just the packaging, only to find himself oddly disappointed in a way he didn’t quite understand when the uniform had all come off.

I really want to know what happens next. Lovely!


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 16:44:29 UTC
Thank you for the positive feedback. Glad you don't object to the rather obvious lack of pr0n. This was about as filthy as I could make it get.

I'm annoyed with myself for not putting it under a cut though but I can't edit it now. Lucky it wasn't any longer!


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 16:50:53 UTC
I don't think you need to worry about LJ cuts for this kind of thing!

Oh there's pr0n value here definitely! :D Something they understood in the old days of the cinema was that often you can generate far more response from your audience by pointing to a thing (letting the audience fill in the blanks in their own dirty mind) rather than by just showing heaving flesh.

I really enjoyed where my filthy little mind went! IF you've hesitated to post your brand of pr0n at the com please don't hesitate again. This really is very sensual.


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 19:00:39 UTC
IF you've hesitated to post your brand of pr0n at the com please don't hesitate again.

As if!

*laughs the laugh of the evil slasher*


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 20:56:33 UTC
Thank God! I would have hated to have had to track you down. :D


Feedback anonymous January 27 2008, 16:54:34 UTC
I'm not sure you can put lj cuts on comments. Hmm.

I also loved the ficlet. Lovely and sensual. Sort of a low simmer, rather than being steaming hot. Which is great in its own way!


Re: Feedback anonymous January 27 2008, 19:02:14 UTC
I'm not sure you can put lj cuts on comments.

You're right, you can't, so I feel better now! And better too for your lovely feedback. Simmering is indeed a good thing, all goes towards a nice rolling boil when the time comes!


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 16:39:19 UTC
Absolutely fantastic! The mere idea of Gene in a uniform is very hot, and I love it how you slowly unwrapped the whys for us to see. I'd love to see how it turns out, too!


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 16:46:11 UTC
Slowly unwrapped like Sam and his disappointing Action Man! Hopefully he'll have more fun getting Gene's kit off. Can't promise more - may have to leave that to your imagination I'm afraid, but thank you for your kind comments on this bit.


feedback anonymous January 27 2008, 19:20:06 UTC
Oh this is fantastic! And yes, I agree with the comment above, this is sensual. A lovely little piece.


Re: feedback anonymous January 27 2008, 19:36:57 UTC
Thanks so much!

I've decided that I'm the sensual interlude half-way through the pr0n!fest. Soft drinks and ice creams are also available. The filth will resume at the next prompt.


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 21:33:20 UTC
considering what Tyler has already confessed to him

Really enjoyed this!


Re: Fic anonymous January 27 2008, 21:52:44 UTC
Thank you. It's good to know this one has gone down so well when it isn't really very pr0ny!


Feedback anonymous January 27 2008, 22:47:08 UTC
I requested this and you have fulfilled the request in a wonderful way. Hot with such a promise of what is to come. Wonderful from start to finish.


Re: Feedback anonymous January 27 2008, 22:52:52 UTC
Phew! It's a relief to know that you like it. It was actually my third go at the prompt and the only one I was at all happy with, though there are still bits that I'd like to change, mistakes that glare at me all big and glarey like. But hopefully the hot Sam and Gene makes up for all that. Thanks for providing such a great prompt.


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