I'm bored, it's a wet Friday in January and there's nothing on the telly. All of which means...
*cue scary music*
It's challenge time again!
And, well,
the last few fiandyfic challenges seem to have gone down well with you wonderful friends-list. So I thought, as a change of pace in the new year, we can set one where you can do what you want. No evil prompts (unless you're stuck, of course - then just ask away...), just comment below with your proposed challenge response and then go, write!
So what is this challenge, I hear you scream shout? It's an easy one this. It's in honour of
I'm Sorry, I Haven't A Clue's wonderful game "One Song, to the Tune of Another". What we want you to do is to write a genre ficlet, in the style of another genre.
For example, write a romantic comedy between Sam and Annie (from Life on Mars) in the style of Pulp Fiction. Or write a murder mystery in the style of Mills and Boon. You get the idea.
So, name your fandom, name your two genres in a comment below and then, well, write!
Oh, and please to be telling all your friends. This one should produce some interesting results!!!
The Contestants
lozenger8: Romance in the style of Noir, Ashes to Ashes
Tonight I'm Yours (Don't Hurt Me), Gene/Alex, PG
m31andy: Murder mystery in the style of a panel game, Life on Mars
Give Us A F**king Clue, Gen, 15
draycevixen: Soap in the style of Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code, Life on Mars.
dracothelizard: Gothic Horror in the style of a Medieval Fabliaux, Top Gear.
antimorph (1): Sitcom in the style of William Gibson, Life on Mars.
antimorph (2): Horror in the style of a child's reading primer, Jekyll.
hambelandjemima: Character studies in the style of a television nature documentary, Life on Mars