Chilly air met with cloudy skies over Vail, Colorado. More snow fell in the early morning, refreshing the runs and ensuring everything remained white for another day of snowy activity. The hotel staff bustled with work, leaving behind mints as they cleaned but stepping past doors marked Do Not Disturb
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[Please create your own subthread with your room number in the thread subject line. If you're going to go NWS, please use your personal journal but feel free to link back to a thread here. And in case anyone is going OCD with us, odd numbered rooms on the left, even numbers on the right!]
It turned out, really, that Colorado wasn't quite as accepting of her verdigris as Fandom. It was a harsh and cold reality check, and while she'd been keeping her cool about it all, that morning she just didn't want to get out of bed.
Of course, when she turned and managed to knock the green glass bottle from under the other pillow onto the floor, she instantly let out an actual cry of desperation and reached for it... and it thankfully tumbled gently onto the floor, undamaged and unbroken. She picked it up quickly and clutched it to her breast, for the moment not caring if her trip roommate heard her cry or saw her in her bedclothes. That bottle was the important thing, that it was safe and sound.
Of course, she had, so there was that. She wore modest pajamas, a long bed dress that went nearly to the floor. "Yes?" she said, pretending like nothing had happened.
She wasn't a good liar.
It was peaceful, here.
It was either go super slow and not fall, or increase her speed slightly and fall and Hinata had... no wish to make more of a fool of herself. (In her own head.)
Besides, even at her pace, it was kinda--fun. The instructor was gently, but firmly, told so and Hinata was left to her own devices.
Of course, this meant starting with a class mainly made up of people ten years younger than Tara was, all of whom were more interested in poking each other with ski poles than anything else. She scooted a bit away from them, hoping she'd at least start going down the slopes before she got bruised.
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