Portalocity Holding Area - The End of The Universe - Tuesday (More or less)

May 25, 2010 09:53

"I'm so terribly sorry," the Portalocity attendant says again. She waves a delicately tattooed crimson hand. "Please, we'll get this all straightened out. There's just been a couple of hiccups lately. Just relax and enjoy our facilities while we reconfigure the parallophameter. Oh, and you may want this fish in your ear while you're here." Her assistant gives out small jars, each containing a small fish.

The teenagers are shown to the sleeping areas where they will stay during the layover. There's a lounge, an arcade and a spa. The attendant assures you that Portalocity will cover all fees. Don't let the tentacles throw you off. The masseuse is quite skilled and his behavior entirely appropriate.

Drinks and dinner are also on Portalocity and the attached restaurant and bar is none other than Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe. The universe will end at 8 pm sharp. Thanks to time travel, you can watch it end every night you're here.

Rumors from other stranded passengers say that the portal problems were caused by a guy who hired a portal to get, ah, intimate with himself. Portalocity officials will neither confirm nor deny this rumor.

[OCD coming up.]

graduate backpacking 2010

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