Akumal Beach Resort - Wednesday

Feb 27, 2008 14:20

After what seemed like - and was - many hours of travel, the buses pulled up to a large brightly coloured complex beyond which could be seen a bright turquoise sea.

Maps and guides to the resort were handed out with building 4 circled on it.  No room numbers were given yet but the entire second floor facing the main pool was being used for the Fandom High guests.

As soon as everyone made their way off the buses, they were free to explore the resort, play on the beach or poolside, visit the restaurants and bars, or just lounge in their rooms and enjoy not being in the 'cold' any longer.

[OOC:  The resort is all-inclusive so food and drinks and activities are allowed.  I assume they use wristbands of different colours to designate those who are and are not of age to drink.  I also assume Fandom students are more than capable of figuring ways around that.  Just don't get thrown in jail.

Threads below are for a variety of activities, there will be a second post with the room assignments going up shortly so as not to over-OCD this one.  You can feel free to put up posts in your personal journals if you're doing specific things, in secluded coves, etc.

Also?  The beachside bar has swings instead of chairs.  This might be a reason this place was chosen.  Shh.

OCD IS UP!  Have FUN!]

mexico: spring break 2008

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