MOD POST: Rules and introduction

Jul 14, 2006 22:35

Welcome to fh_im, where IC IM/chat logs can be posted.

The idea is that characters can use instant messaging or have chats and have them considered IG canon, and now we have a comm where all can post and see them.

Posts can be made in two different ways:

1. Preplay the log over actual IM, remove your actual screennames, and preface all messages with a screenname that you pick for your character, or
2. Post it in the way of phone calls, with one person initiating the post and IMs being posted in comments.

The first way is really preferable, since part of the fun of IM is the "instant" aspect, but either are acceptable.

PLEASE, remember the following when playing out IMs in this community.

  • IMs and chats are considered FH canon, and ICA still = ICC.

  • To make an OOC remark in a preplayed chat log, put it in brackets or parentheses as usual and mark it as OOC, and please keep those to a minimum.

  • Always, always, always lj-cut your preplayed IM conversations, as spamming the flist will make people unhappy.

  • Preplayed, posted logs are not generally open for interaction, unless otherwise stated.

  • PLEASE make sure to preface comments with your character's "screenname," which can be anything you would like it to be and does not have to be your actual AIM name. Picking a screenname for your character can be a fun and easy way to be ICly unique, and please be consistent with the name you choose.

  • If you post a preplayed log, please put who the other player/s is/are, as screennames are not always indicative.

  • Aside from extreme circumstances, if you choose to post in the second format? Slowplay is not acceptable, as it is instant messaging.

  • Please always put a time on when the chat/IM takes place.

  • You're more than welcome to create chats IRL to play out IC chats and name them what you'd like. And there is a theoretical "fandomhigh" chatroom that you can always say your character is in.

  • Please always check if people you plan to talk to can/will be "online," and remember that private IMs are, and to check if you'd like your character to hack the log or something along those lines.

  • Always remember you can't be IMing people unless your character can reasonably be online. Your character must either have their own computer, or be in the computer lab. They're constrained by the whereabouts of the computer unless it is a laptop.

  • fh_im will not be recapped on radio, unless someone posted to their character journal with something like, "Rory IM'd with so-and-so (link to fh_im post here)"

    And above all else, remember to have fun. Questions can be posted to this post or directed to myself or x5_alec.

    Sample post of how format 1 works can be found here!
  • ooc

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