Pacific Princess, Wednesday Evening

Feb 25, 2015 12:51

Back at sea and pointed toward Mazatlan, the Loooove Boat continues its series of passenger costume and activity fun with another theme intimately connected to the Mexican Riviera: Square Dance NightNo, you're not allowed to ask. Or, well, you can, but Your Bartender will just snort and point to Your Yeoman Purser, who will shake his head and blame ( Read more... )

spring break 2015: love boat

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Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] iceolatedqueen February 26 2015, 02:44:00 UTC
Elsa wasn't going to dance, no. Elsa was really not the dancing sort, ever. But she had found since getting on the boat that disco was just... fun... and it was good for helping her keep her mind off of Barry and how absolutely frustrated she was with him right now.

So there she was, sitting at the bar with bare hands, cradling a tall glass of the most well-chilled virgin sangria in the world in her fingers, and quietly committing the lyrics of Dancing Queen to memory.

She was going to enjoy the rest of this cruise, so help her.


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] fly_so_serious February 26 2015, 02:50:21 UTC
"That is not a good look," Joker observed as he clambered onto the bar stool next to her. "A face that pretty should not look like that. He frowned and looked around. "Is it the hideous cacophony they call music? I can get them to stop."


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] iceolatedqueen February 26 2015, 02:55:12 UTC
"My face and I are actually quite enjoying the music, thank you," Elsa replied, turning a slightly forced smile in Joker's direction. It wasn't fooling anybody, and she knew it. "So far, when we're on the ship, it's been the only useful distraction from the fact that we're... you know... on a ship that I've been able to find."


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] fly_so_serious February 26 2015, 03:08:38 UTC
"Ahh, crap, the boat thing," Joker sighed. "Yeah, okay, so we are. I can tell you this is a nice, solid boat with all kinds of safety features and things, and it's not exactly likely to sink, but that's a head argument, and if your heart's not feeling it, then no amount of logic's gonna help." He thought for a minute. "But, actually, you don't need to worry about the boat sinking, right?" He gave her a big, hopeful smile. "If something goes horribly wrong, all you have to do is stop the boat from sinking. Problem solved, right?"

He looked around again. "Really, though, what you need is a better distraction. Where'd he go, anyway?"


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] iceolatedqueen February 26 2015, 03:15:02 UTC
And there was that face again! The one that Elsa didn't wear well at all, and maybe just a little more sour than it had been before.

"My better distraction has walked off on me twice since the cruise has started. He seems to have decided that this is a good week for yelling, and he's quite welcome to continue doing that somewhere well away from me, thank you."

This might have been easier if it was just the boat thing.


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] fly_so_serious February 26 2015, 03:20:39 UTC
"He what now?" Joker asked in disbelief. "He just up and... What the hell are you fighting about? Did you forget your anniversary or something?"


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] iceolatedqueen February 26 2015, 03:29:18 UTC
"Oh, nothing so trite," Elsa replied, turning that frown of hers down toward her drink. Little spirals of frost crept across the glass around her fingers. She was going to have to let that melt a bit before she could actually drink it, but that hardly mattered to her right now. "It's just that I had the gall to be born a princess, an affliction that Barry has no easy solution for, and he's decided that it means I don't care enough, and taking it out on me is an adequate method of coping with an uncertain future."


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] fly_so_serious February 26 2015, 04:13:33 UTC
"...Fuck." Joker frowned at her. "So... Is this a 'you'd have to abdicate' situation, does he not want to move to Arendelle, are you not even to the point where you want to think about the future...?" He sighed and shrugged. "Okay, point one is, your relationship can be whatever you want it to be, and it doesn't have to fit into neat little buckets like everyone else seems to think. What do you want, what does he want?"


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] iceolatedqueen February 26 2015, 12:03:18 UTC
"It seems like he wants a perfect storybook ending where I can be Queen and he can keep doing his inventing and nobody has to make any concessions to anyone else's responsibilities or hobbies, and we don't have to do any travel and there's no chance at all that his not being royalty will ever cause either of us any problems down the road," Elsa replied, taking her hands away from her glass and scowling down at the contents. They had some nerve, freezing over like that. "And he's perfectly willing to yell and talk down at me for having priorities other than him and to flounce away like a petulant child rather than pull on his big boy trousers and talk it out with me like a grown-up in order to get it."

She looked up at Joker, still frowning. If she had any idea that he'd yelled at Anna on top of this, her next answer might have been very different.

"I'd settle for an apology and at least a decent attempt made to talk this out. He can't fix everything, and I know that's weighing on him right now, but that isn't any excuse for ( ... )


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] fly_so_serious February 27 2015, 02:35:17 UTC
"So... Basically, he wants high school to last forever," Joker shook his head. "Don't get me wrong, a lot of people do. But the real world doesn't work like that. Hell, all sorts of people break up when high school ends and they go different directions with their lives. It happens. That doesn't make their relationship any less real." He heaved a deep sigh and stared at the bar a moment. The next words came out in a rush so he didn't have to dwell on them. "...Eleanor and I are pretty much gonna have to BUT --"

He force a smile and jabbed a finger at her. "But, you don't have the same logistical problems. I mean, who you date has broad political implications for your country, its citizens, and how it relates to its neighbors. But you still get to call the shots. You can still make it work. If the fucker gets his head out of his ass."


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] iceolatedqueen February 27 2015, 03:59:19 UTC
"We could still make it work," Elsa agreed, "if he'd stop getting angry and walking away. I... might have cussed at him, the last time we spoke. Some of those words he's so fond of using himself. I shouldn't have, and it certainly didn't help matters at all, but what I called him... He was being one."

She was too frustrated to even have the grace to blush, right then.

"He wants an easy answer, and I guess it's my job to present it to him wrapped in a bow to prove... I don't even know, Joker. That I love him enough? I haven't even been able to show my sister that over the years."


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] fly_so_serious February 27 2015, 04:14:36 UTC
"Eh, when he's less mad, he'll be proud of you for swearing," Joker told her. "I am."

Something suddenly occurred to him. "Hey, at least he's not trying to make an easy answer, not the way he used to. The ethics committee's rubbing off on him!"


Re: Disco Dancing [2/25 Evening] iceolatedqueen February 27 2015, 04:22:14 UTC
"And now... now I can't help but sit here in horror for a moment," Elsa shared, "trying to envision some of the things that Barry could have attempted to do in order to make this work out. Any solution to this that requires an ethics committee..."

Her first knee-jerk thought was that Barry wouldn't possibly sink that low when it came to her, would he?

Her second one was that she had given him more credit than to chew her out and then flounce. Twice. And there he had gone...


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