Title: Three Unnamed Ghosts
Fandom: FFXII, FFTactics, Vagrant Story
Characters: Mustadio (and his ancestor), Delita (and a suit of armor), John Hardin (and the severed head of an Emperor).
Rating: PG.
Summary: Balthier carries on his legacy; Drace issues a warning; Larsa makes one last suit for peace.
Spoilers: Believe it or not, none. We know that
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Comments 7
Woe, I knew I should have paid much more attention to Vagrant Story's actual story when I played it, so many years back.
I don't think he's bound in the stone. It was a statue of him, implicitly. He left an impression, like Balthier with the gun and Drace with her armor.
The RAT is poison. And scion.
And this is entirely fanon, but Ashe and Al-Cid end with Hardin.
In short: three beautifully creepy eulogies.
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