Plz no moar ad hominem?

Nov 17, 2009 01:11

What is it about the internet that makes people feel so comfortable being rude?

Seriously. Maybe this is just me, but sometimes when reading the comments on FFR/FFRR, I feel appalled by how catty people can be. Maybe this is just something I should expect in rant communities, but I'm weary of the "this is a rant community" idea becoming an excuse for people just being unnecessarily rude. Just because someone has an opinion you find difficult to agree with/understand/conceive/accept, it does not give you a free pass to be insulting. Even if the person's opinion is offensive, it doesn't give anyone a free pass to be offensive in return. What happened to turning the other cheek? By this, I don't mean letting an offensive opinion go without rebuttal or correction. But I strongly believe there is a difference between rebuttal and attack.

I'm not talking about any one rant in particular, but just a trend I've noticed in general.

Maybe this is just something that bothers me personally. But when I read comments, especially in wank-causing rants, I feel like a grade school teacher thinking "children, be nice!"

Basically, in short, I wish we could have discussions that don't turn into personal bash-fests.
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