Weekend Mini-Exchange

Apr 15, 2011 18:41

Well, since the 10-for-10 party got such a great response, I wanted to try another weekend event. So this time, we're doing a Mini-Exchange. The guidelines are under the cut -


1. Post a comment in response to this entry listing -

Offerings: The types of items you are willing to give people in exchange for fulfilling your prompts. These can include fic, art, icons, and wallpaper.
Preferred: Characters, pairings, and situations you prefer to work with. Lets anyone who takes up your request know what you will be best at.
Exclusions: Characters, pairings, and situations you do not want to work with. Tell people upfront what you will not do.
Request: Your prompt. Can be any character, pairing or situation you like. Note if you specifically want fic, art, icons, wallpaper, or if it doesn't matter.
AP Chance: Any special touches that you would like to see, but are not required.

2. Hopefully, someone will fulfill the request. For people fulfilling requests, at the end of your fill, please list -

Request: What you would like the requester to give you in exchange for your work.
AP Chance: Again, any special touches you would like.

3. Give the person fulfilling your request your gift in exchange. At this point, you can make another request of the filler.

4. The two can continue exchanging back and forth until they are both satisfied.

5. If someone makes a follow-up request that you feel you cannot work with, please put "Pass!" in the title of your comment and tell them you will be passing.

6. Now someone new is free to come in and fulfill the passed request.

Since examples are always good, here is one I put together as to how a thread would look -

Click to view full size

If you have any questions, just feel free to ask! I hope everyone has fun!

(also, I've turned on the Explicit Content Flag just in case.)


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