"A New Morning"; Paine/Rikku (FFX-2)

Mar 17, 2011 15:31

Title: A New Morning
Fandom: FFX-2
Pairing: Paine/Rikku
Prompt: Faith
Rating: G
Word Count: 200

Differences brought them together. Paine clothed herself in black and gray, wearing a necklace of thorns. Her eyes kept others out like windows shut tightly against rain or sun. Bullet scars marked the day when the last of her belief in humanity died. Love meant a complete surrender of the self. Paine caged herself by fear even though she pretended to be strong.

Rikku perplexed her. How could a girl who had gone through so much retain such optimism? Most of the world hated her people, and yet she greeted every stranger with an open heart. Pain had watched Rikku at first, checking for the first sign of a slipping mask. She found none; though Rikku had her moods and changes, that openness remained. Even when Paine resisted her attempts at friendship, turned away, and told her to mind her own business, Rikku never stopped digging or trying to understand. She was the most difficult puzzle that Paine had ever tried to solve.

Warm hands grabbed at her arm, closed around the leather of her armor as if it were nothing.

"Come on, Dr. P! You're gonna miss it!" Paine might have protested once; she never would have appreciated a Gagazet sunrise.

pairing: paine/rikku, fandom: ffx-2, author: euphonious_glow, prompt: faith

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