alone together - Terra/Celes (FFVI)

Jun 19, 2009 23:48

hello! i found out about this community through auronlu's post on ffsaffic i am... ^^

i am desperately in love with Terra/Celes from Final Fantasy VI, but almost nobody writes about it (or knows about it! D: ) so, probably most of what i write will be from that game.

and now for drabble.

Title: alone together
Fandom: FFVI
Pairing: Terra/Celes
Prompt: Silence
Rating: G
Words: 200
A/N: a silly piece of plotless fluff. :p and there's not very much yuri content, either... eep! ^^;;

Celes had always prefered silence. As a general she'd never had much of it, her life filled with the constant cacophany of war. In the war room, on the battlefield, in the infirmaries afterwards - there was no time for silence or contemplation, there was only instinct, the need to act and react.

She'd left that life, chosen a different path. She hadn't found the silence she craved, but she'd discovered sounds just as sweet - a voice raised in greeting, the laughter of friends, the gentle words of a heartfelt apology.

But even now, sitting on a couch inside the Blackjack, surrounded by friends, Celes found herself wishing for quiet, to be able to step back and let the warmth of this precious moment sink into her being.

Celes made her way to the Blackjack's upper deck. Terra was there, watching the world unfold beneath her. Celes came to stand next to her, saying nothing, not wanting to interrupt the other woman's thoughts.

Terra gave her a shy smile, the twist of her lips so slight that Celes wouldn't have noticed it if she hadn't been so close.

Together, the two women stood in silence and watched the sky.

fandom: ffvi, prompt: silence, pairing: celes/terra, author: m_aenea

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