Preoccupation by aeonian, furies, projectjulie, quasiradiant and thenewhope (R)

Feb 28, 2009 13:13

Pairing: Roslin/Tory, Kat/Racetrack, Boomer/Cally, Kat/Dualla, Boomer/Caprica Six
Length: ~3,000w
Author on LJ: aeonian, furies, projectjulie, quasiradiant, and thenewhope
Author Website: aeonian, furies, projectjulie, quasiradiant
Why this must be read:

This is actually five flash-fics written right after the Occupation/Precipice season opener. So it's five different pairings, written in five different styles, and all of them are excellent. They've all got very subtle and impressive writing styles, and I find myself coming back to re-read this story often.


battlestar galactica, category: tv

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