Bedevil : chapter two

Jul 23, 2006 16:25

Title: Bedevil: Chapter 2
Author: bookaddict
Characters: Mal/Jayne
Rating: PG
Word count: 571
Comments: Hope this is ok and that I advanced the plot a little?

Bedevil Organizational Post

The wheedlin’ tone in the man’s voice had Jayne sittin’ up and takin’ notice, but he nodded cautiously and took the drink. Never look a gift drink in the mouth was his motto - specially if it were whiskey and not Kaylee’s inter-engine mix.

Raisin’ his glass and sippin’, he silently watched the room and waited for Mal to make the next move.

“You did a fine job this last time.” The captain thumped him on the back.

Now the man was using wiles on him, givin’ him that earnest Captain’s look.

“Ya gave me a raise already.” Jayne was tired of waiting for the other shoe to drop. “So what d’ya want?”

“Can’t I just be bonding with my crew?”

“Not recently, no,” said Jayne gazin’ into the bottom of his glass. Mal had pretty much stopped ‘bonding’ with him months ago. They hadn’t gotten drunk together, been in a bar fight or done much beside work stuff for a long time.

“Just thought we might talk about the next job.”

“Since when did ya talk about jobs with just me?”

Mal rolled his eyes; the man was way too suspicious. Some would call it cautious, he called it paranoid. Of course Jayne’s paranoia was one of the reasons he hired him, that and the mercenary’s ability to fight and track.

“I thought you might like to do some thrilling heroics.”

“Thrilling heroics?” Jayne’s attention was caught, he was always up for a little tussle.


“’N yer askin’ me?”

“Yeah,” why did the irritating man have to ask so many questions?

“Not Zoë?”



“’Cause I don’t want her, or anyone else to know what I’m planning,” Mal barked, goaded into giving a straight answer.
He sighed impatiently when Jayne didn’t ask any more questions and just sat looking into the bottom of his empty glass.

“I did a job without her, to help a friend out.” Mal signalled to the barman to fill their glasses again. The last thing he wanted to do was tell Jayne what he’d done and give the merc teasing ammunition. “It was when her and Wash got married and went on a honeymoon.”

Jayne grinned at him. In other words the man was bored and without Zoë to keep him focused, did somethin’ stupid. “Ya never told her?”

“Got into a mite of trouble and wound up with another warrant against me.” He shrugged, “didn’t see the need to tell her.”

“So what’s the problem now?”

“The Alliance are gonna be taking over the planet soon - and the money we took is still there.”

Mal patted himself on the back, Jayne was real interested now, “money?”

“We pulled a heist, took a lot of coin, but had to hide it when things went wrong.”

“Its still there?”

The Captain nodded, “as far as I know, and Muir ain’t more that a shuttle ride away from here.”

“The planet with the red seas, that’s where ya hid the money?”

Mal gave him that level I’m the Captain stare. “Yes and I need someone to watch my back while I go get it.”

Mal probably wouldn’t believe him, but there was no way in hell that Jayne would let him go after that money by himself. With a warrant over his head and a plan that was sure not to go smooth, he’d be in trouble in no time flat.

“What’s my cut?” he asked.

mal/jayne, bedevil, slash

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