Three Hills : Chapter 13

Jun 17, 2006 22:13

Title: Three Hills : chapter 13
Timeline: Post BDM, but no-one got killed.
Comments: It’s short again, but I had a bunny about Ma Cobb and ran with it, tell me what you think?

Three Hills Organizational Post

Chapter 13

Ma Cobb hugged him, (hugged him) dirty clothes and all when he announced that Little Jayne would get better.

He had discovered, via the encyclopaedia, that Little Jayne had pneumonia and that he liked injections about as much as his namesake did. At the first touch of the needle, the little pig had delivered a healthy kick to Simon’s ribs sending him sprawling into the mucky pig sty and covering him with Hypocrates knew what.

The creature had then proceeded to run with ear-splitting squeals around and around the pen finally stopping when River waggled her fingers between the railings. Fortune smiled on him again when his sister, with her ‘you’re a boob’ face painted on, held the pig while he injected him.

Discreetly he tried to detangle himself from Mrs Cobb’s firm embrace, but she totally disarmed him with her heartfelt smile as she praised him. “Best gorram animal doctor in the ‘verse!” She exclaimed, “if yer that good with people, I’m thinkin’ my Jayne’s lucky to have ya on board.”

“Ah, thank you Mrs Cobb.”

“Don’t call me Mrs Cobb. I’m Mabel t’ my friends and after today yer one of them, that’s for sure.” She turned to the others in the room “I think of ya all as friends.”

She didn’t miss the guilty looks or doubtful glances that shot round the room, quickly covered up as they were. But Mabel Cobb was nothin’ but patient when she wanted to be, so again she ignored what was going on and diverted everyone’s attention.

“I’m thinkin’ you’d like to clean up some Doctor?” She grinned at the man’s eager nod.

“Shower’s at the end of the hall. Ya go get started ‘n’ I’ll bring ya some of Mattie’s clothes.”

As Simon gratefully headed toward the shower she turned and started directing the others, “River child, Mattie’s up ‘t the hill at the back of the house. Can ya fetch him? Kaylee if ya Wash ‘n’ the Shepherd would peel the vegetables me ‘n’ Miss Inara can start cookin’ when I get back.”

Bemused at her commanding tone they chorused “Yes ma’am.”

Mabel turned, hands on hips. “Ma’am?”

“Mabel,” the Shepherd corrected himself.

“Mabel,” the others echoed nodding.

“That’s better. Now get to work.” Mabel bustled out, intent on finding some suitable clothes for the Doctor.


River danced up the hillside to fetch Mattie. She liked Mrs Cobb. Mabel, she corrected herself with a grin; there was a motherly quality about her, lucky Mattie and lucky Jayne to grow up knowing that their mother loved them.

Mabel approved of River’s friendship with Mattie as well and she was glad of that. Because for the first time she was feeling like a ‘real’ girl, blushing when Mattie spoke to her and giggling at inopportune moments; it was delightful.

The disturbing motion sickness in River’s stomach signalled to her that he was near and hadn’t heard her approach. “Mattie!” she called, not seeing him anywhere and not liking to read his thoughts.

“River, over here,” he emerged from behind a rock. “Come see what I’m drawin’.”

River walked behind the rock and stopped entranced as she surveyed the landscape before her. “It’s beautiful.”

“It sure is.” Mattie agreed not looking at the landscape at all.


“Sir you’ve got to actually speak to him to tell him what’s happening.”

“I know that.” Mal looked at his mercenary who was still standing at the ramp gazing out over the hills. “I’m just wondering if the local influential widow is Jayne’s Ma.”

three hills, gen

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