Gen: Shadow: Chapter 17

Apr 13, 2006 22:39

Fic Title: Shadow, Chapter 17
Setting: Post Series/Pre-BDM
Rating: PG
Warnings: Like grapho_spasm on an earlier chapter, I’d really rather no one read this. I’ve been stressed lately so… ummm… sorry.

Oops. Forgot the Link: Shadow Organizational Post

*~*~*Chapter 17*~*~*

“So, y’all volunteered to fight in the war?”

Pointed looks and general nods of agreement circled the table where the additional crew was assembled.

“And you volunteered because?”

“Where where you during the war? Do you even know what was going on? What the Alliance is all about?” Frustration and mild anger rippled off Joshua as he stared unbelieving at the man they called Jayne. “The war was important.”

“But what made y’all volunteer in the first place? Didya get paid?”

“We were compensated enough.”

“They give you those coats or did you have to pay for ‘em.”

“They were part of the uniform.”

“Humm… they make ‘em in my size? They ain’t have bad.”


“Sir, you don’t have to do this.” She'd caught him coming out of his bunk and she knew the look on his face. When Malcolm Reynolds was determined to do something, there was no mistaking the way his face remained focused with his eyes glazed over.

“You’ve been telling me that for hours now, Zoe. Did you ever think that maybe I do?”

“You don’t know if these men are being straight with you. You can’t trust them. They managed to get you to Shadow under false pretenses. How do we you know this whole thing isn’t a set up?”

“Set up by who, Zoe? Ain’t no one in this ‘verse needs to get to me through the use of my daughter.”

“No one, sir?”

“No one. Now, can I count on you for this, Zo?”

She looked at him skeptically, wanting to share more about his thoughts being clouded. She wanted to tell him she didn’t trust the group and their playing on his emotions. She wanted to tell him there was no way his daughter could still be alive, and no way these men could lead him to her. She also wanted to be wrong.

“Always, sir,” was all that she could manage.


Mal strode into the mess to see Jayne wearing what was obviously Joshua’s jacket. That man doesn’t have a lick of shame.

“Jayne, stop playing dress up. Sit down. All of you. We need to talk.”

Removing the coat and handing it back, Jayne slowly resumed his seat at the table.

All eyes looked to Mal, years of pain and heartache stared back at them.

“There is a chance my daughter is alive and being kept by those tian sha de e mo. There is no telling what they may have done to her or what condition she’ll be in, but I have to try. So, what’s the plan?”

“The goat’s children are ambitious. The tenth sign. Earth sign. Their will is to succeed; to reach the surface. You only need to collect them.” River seemed to be talking to the ceiling, but everyone seemed to understand her meaning.

They huddled in the corner, keeping as quiet as possible to avoid detection. In the distance, they could hear footsteps.

“Follow me.” The girl whispered. “We’re going to find a way out of here.”

“I’m scared.”

“I know. I am, too. We’ll be okay. Help is on the way.”

“How do you know?”

She didn’t answer.

“Katie, how do you know?”

“I just do.”

shadow, gen

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