Shadow, Chapter Three

Mar 20, 2006 22:32

*que daunting music*

Shadow Organizational Post

Title: Shadow
Setting: Post-Series/Pre-BDM
Pairing: Gen (so far)
Chapter: Three

Shadow was a desolate planet.

Little plant life survived the Alliance attack, only scrub bushes and stubby grasses were able to eke out a living. There was no animal life whatsoever and only one source of fresh water.


So far as the rest of the ‘verse was concerned.

Bandits and thieves used it as dropping point, but even they didn’t travel to Qin Fan canyon. It was heavily circulated that the canyon was used as a burial pit, the bodies of Shadow’s residents filling the crevices to the brim.

It was a lie that had served them well.

No one dared venture close enough to see the faint gray glow that radiated off the granite walls. The facility nestled in the deepest part of the canyon was completely insular.

“Not for long.”

Mal jumped in surprise, turning to see River approaching slowly from behind, each step silent. “What’re you still doin’ up?”

“The goat’s children are waking. And so must I.”

He sighed, leaning back in the pilots chair, “If you’re plannin’ on hangin’ around, best you get comfortable. Warn ya now, I ain’t much company.”

She nodded and curled on the floor at his side, resting her head against his knee.

“I said get comfortable.”

He smoothed his fingers over her hair and she closed her eyes. “I am.”

And in the depths of Qin Fan facility, the lights in the Capricorn dormatory blazed to life.

shadow, gen

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