Round 14: Phase One - Submit

May 17, 2009 16:26

Well, Round 14 is going to start now. Yesterday the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest took place. The ESC is a European Song Contest, where every country from Europe (and some from Asia, like Israel, Azerbaijan, etc.) are allowed to send a singer to win. Yesterday night Norway won with Alexander Rybak and his song 'Fairytale'.


Rinoa, Cloud, Agrias, Fujin, Aerith, Lightning, Sazh, Vincent, Noctis, Zidane, Yazoo, Yuna, Ashe, Freya, Kadaj, Stella, Larsa

Well, Round 14 is going to start now. Yesterday the finals of the Eurovision Song Contest took place. The ESC is a European Song Contest, where every country from Europe (and some from Asia, like Israel, Azerbaijan, etc.) are allowed to send a singer to win. Yesterday night Norway won with Alexander Rybak and his song 'Fairytale'.

You can use this theme in any way you like. Here are the lyrics to the song of Alexander Rybak together with a YouTube link - or you can photoshop a character from Final Fantasy onto the body of a Disney fairytale character. Feel free and be creative!

Submit one icon to this post by Friday, May 22th by 11.59PM GMT+1h.
The icon must follow the theme and meet LJ standards; which you should really know by now but just in case: 100x100 pixels & 40kb or less; .gif, .png, or .jpg format.
If you have any questions, please just leave them in a comment!

Please include your alias with your submission!

Skips are not to be used in the first challenge!

Sign-ups will remain open, until I post voting for the first phase.

round 14, phase 1, submit

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