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Comments 65

sunflower_mynah July 3 2011, 04:22:03 UTC
Booth application
Name: Mysti
Class: Team Casts-the-spells-that-make-the-people-fall-down Black Mage
Booth Info: I am apparently eternally the secretary/treasure sort. You said tagging and checking gil, right? <3
Proposed Layout/Setup: Uh. Read above?
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being easy and 5 being difficult), how much work do you think will go into maintaining this booth?: 4
If you answered 4 or 5 to the above question, would you want a helper to help you out?: I - okay, I'll get back to you about that one once we get a better idea of how busy it is? I think a helper might confuse things if there isn't that much to cover and we end up getting in each other's way instead. (Also, I know someone thinks I do too much work. Please don't kill yourself by offering to help me.)


virago_queen July 3 2011, 06:44:42 UTC
Helper Application
Name: V!
Class: Also Team Casts-the-spells-that-make-the-people-fall-down Black Mage
Name of booth you would like to help out in: Treasure Booth!
Give a few reasons saying how you could help out, assuming you've already read the booth application. I am Mysti's brain-twin, and thus we (should) work well together, so I won't get in her way? And she works too hard. And I'm used to being told what to do? I dunno, I can pretty much be her lackey, it's all good.


sunflower_mynah July 3 2011, 15:03:59 UTC
Yay brain-twin! *hugs* Thank you. Offer for helping very much appreciated! (Yes, for forms-in-triplicate's sake, this is an official 'helper accepted'.)


chacusha July 10 2011, 20:15:20 UTC
Booth application
Name: chacusha
Class: Neutral Mod
Booth Name: Bingo
Booth Info: Submit a bingo card and then a game will be run at the end. Points for participating and points for getting bingo.
Proposed Layout/Setup: There will be a card submission post (which will most likely contain a poll of possible bingo times to figure out what works best for people) and then later on, at bingo time, I'll have to make a separate post in ff_eventsquare where I call out bingo names.
Prizes/Participation: Bingo standard (10 points for submitting a card; 15 points for a bingo; 30-60 points for getting first bingos)
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being easy and 5 being difficult), how much work do you think will go into maintaining this booth?: 2


arivess July 11 2011, 20:13:22 UTC
Booth application
Name: Ari
Class: Thiefieberry
Booth Name: Crazy Stampeding Chocobos Minigame Chocobo Hot 'n' Cold
Booth Info: (Stampede some chocobos, Eilia, or stampede on them, or stampede while on them, or? *shot*) DIG UP TREASURE! LOTS OF TREASURE! Actually, a limited supply of treasure. I HAVE TO STEAL PROCURE REALLY FANCY ONES FOR THE REALLY FANCY FESTIVAL, YOU KNOW. D:
Proposed Layout/Setup: Depends on what the prizes are, but I'm thinking of having 3-4 different "categories", each one with 10 cards or something. People can pick which card they want, and it'll be first come first serve, maximum one per person. It'll run pretty much like how the previous Chocobo Hot 'n' Cold minigame did, except with a smaller area, and a wider field of kwehing, so hopefully people will find it easier.
Prizes/Participation: I'm not sure... I really would rather give out "item" treasures, but I haven't figured out how yet. I'll keep thinking on that.
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being easy and 5 being difficult), how much work do you think will go ( ... )


lightofeilia July 11 2011, 20:20:28 UTC
I think you can give out item treasures that people can keep, but assign a rarity so that if they dig up a rare item they get game points as well? Just an idea. :D



arivess July 11 2011, 20:28:40 UTC
*nods* I'll probably assign a similar point value as I did for the first game's CHNC. But. I dunno what kind of items to give. What would be the point of letting them keep a random potion? XD;


lightofeilia July 11 2011, 20:29:53 UTC
You could do the drawing thing you wanted to do. Simple graphics? We can recruit people to draw stuff for the game?

We can give... things to them for helping to draw............................


eotheod July 11 2011, 22:36:22 UTC
Booth application
Name: Eotheod
Class: BLACK MAGE woooooooooo
Booth Name: Chocobo Races!
Booth Info: After all that time breeding and fattening them up feeding them ghysal greens, it's about time we put these birds to good use! Nothing like some good old fashioned gambling on the chocobo races to try to earn some fat loot!
Proposed Layout/Setup: I'll take bets for a day, then run 6 races the next day, altering on and off for duration of the festival.
I will take 3 different types of bets:
Win - Pick the winning horse for one race
Trifecta - Pick the horses in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for one race
Pick Six - Pick the winning horse in all 6 races.
I will use randomly generated results for the chocobos(6 chocobos per race) to determine the winners.
Prizes/Participation: You start off betting with nothing (essentially the house gives you 1 point to start), but as long as you have points, you can choose how many to wager (you will never be broke, I will always allow wagers of 1 point). The rates will ALWAYS, no matter what the odds, ( ... )


lightofeilia July 12 2011, 02:35:25 UTC
I WAS JUST ABOUT TO SUGGEST THIS, except done in a completely different way. But your way seems fine!

Are there any preparations you might need to do before the festival starts?


eotheod July 12 2011, 02:49:32 UTC
What way were you thinking? I mean, I didn't spend a lot of time brain storming, so I'm open to ideas.

I'll probably just make my graphics (find all the different chocobos) and perhaps even go ahead and determine the race winners because, I mean, it's all random. :p


lightofeilia July 12 2011, 02:52:18 UTC
Uh, assign chocobos to lane numbers, roll to see who gets to move one space? :D Or roll two dice; one for lane number the other for number of spaces. It's more work, but gives more of a "race" thing as opposed to "BET! AND THEN RESULTS!"

I hadn't thought about the betting or the winning ratio though, so yeah haha.

The Pick Six winning thing seems like a ton, but then again that's really tough lol. (I'm really bad with probability... so I don't actually know.) Otherwise, that's all of my concerns? xD


LET'S MAKE IT OFFICIAL OKAY (yes, you're lucky, because D + coffee + night = hyperactivity I guess) thedrowned July 12 2011, 03:39:10 UTC
Booth application
Name: D
Class: Dragoon
Booth Name: Scratch Cards
Booth Info: People pick certain spots on the card and "scratch" them, and if they match, they win. Namingway is wild.
Proposed Layout/Setup:I will now link you to my horribly messy thread I kept secret that one time:
Prizes/Participation: Prizes are what's on the card. How much they win is anywhere from 0-50 gil and 2 points participation per card. Cards might be charged, if I have two sets. If not, there's no charge.
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being easy and 5 being difficult), how much work do you think will go into maintaining this booth?: It's very easy, so, 1, but it involves pre-planning to run smoothly. there may be a card limit, depending on how quickly I can get to everyone's comments.
If you answered 4 or 5 to the above question, would you want a helper to help you out?: Blah blah blah, I said 1.


Re: LET'S MAKE IT OFFICIAL OKAY (yes, you're lucky, because D + coffee + night = hyperactivity I gue lightofeilia July 12 2011, 03:53:34 UTC
I just read the post =.= and so deleted my earlier comment xD

Okay, prizes are points and gil is for participation, and while I like the idea of being able to buy two different versions of a card, that would require people to keep track of their gil...


Re: LET'S MAKE IT OFFICIAL OKAY (yes, you're lucky, because D + coffee + night = hyperactivity I gue thedrowned July 12 2011, 04:19:01 UTC
It went opposite? That's okay, I can fix that. And yeah, I thought maybe two types of cards would be too much on me anyway, so it works out. We'll do the scratch till you win way.


Re: LET'S MAKE IT OFFICIAL OKAY (yes, you're lucky, because D + coffee + night = hyperactivity I gue lightofeilia July 12 2011, 04:19:53 UTC
Okay! :D Since you're running this booth, are you still going to be my helper for my booth? Or will that be too much work?


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