Aaaaaaand now, stamping question changes. Most of them, we can't really change because there are still a lot of people that think they're helpful, and the mods have discussed problems with a few questions some people proposed to add, so we just have a few small changes this time.
Proposed changes and poll )
Comments 9
As I said earlier, my aim with the original Cheerful/Gloomy dichotomy was to get a feel of whether the person tends more toward smiles or more toward neutral faces/frowns, which is different than just how volatile their emotions are, I think?
Ah, I think that question is difficult to apply fairly towards the classes, though. Sure, thieves and monks are more cheerful, but I think that's something that tends to shine through the way people write and their other responses... and if people do say gloomy, they tend to automatically get typecast as soldier or dragoon, despite how there are cheerful soldiers (Tidus, Zack) and most dragoons (Kain and Cid being the exceptions) aren't really gloomy so much as... well, stoic.
Huh. Cheerful/Solemn?
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