Title: Cacophony's Release
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Crew
Pairings: M/S pre-slash
Warnings: mild, fantasized bondage
Disclaimer: Don't own it, never did, never will. Just having fun playing.
Author's Notes: This is the second chapter of
kessadebra's Round Robin story. The first chapter is included for continuity's sake. I made a few minor punctuation and spelling corrections in it. Hope you don't mind, Kessa. *g*
Anyone who wishes to claim the next chapter, please do so in the comments. Future chapters can be posted separately, and I will interlink them at the end of this one. There is a general plan for the middle of the story. If you haven't seen it, check out the original postings
here and
I look forward to seeing what we, as a community, can come up with in this story!
Cacophony's Release
Chapter 1 by
kessadebra Serenity hadn’t been this far out on the rim before. The Dahshurn Quadrant was where a lot of the experimental terra-forming had originally occurred. Most of the planets continued to have fairly harsh conditions and all were sparsely populated. Docking bays didn’t exist this far out since ships rarely visited and locals had neither money nor experience to offer towards traveling the black. Habitable planets were farther apart here than any of the crew was used to and the cortex was hardly able to pick up any interplanetary chatter. Even Wash felt uneasy about being this far out.
“Mal, remind me; what are we doin’ out here in the middle of nothin’?” The pilot inquired.
It was late into the sleep cycle. The two of them were alone in the cockpit, both overtaken with bouts of insomnia.
The Captain leaned back in the co-pilot's chair. “I’m sure you’ve heard tales ‘bout the lost Earth-that-Was treasures.”
“Tales of pirate booty and the such. ‘Course, Mal, every boy in the ‘verse has played their version of the buccaneer adventures.” It suddenly dawned on Wash, “And don’t tell me we’re on yours now….Ma-al, I love imaginary play just as much as the next big kid, but come on, they’re just stories.”
“Are they, Wash? I’m not so sure ‘bout that anymore.”
“So, this is why you had us store up extra fuel in the cargo hold? And by the way, have I mentioned how not too thrilled I am about that practice?”
“Yeah, Wash,…once or twice or a dozen times. I got the point…just don’t go throwin’ my ship about and nothin’ will go explodin’ on you.”
“A comfort, Mal, you’re always a comfort.” Wash said sarcastically.
Mal grinned his cocksure grin as he pulled out a star chart and tried to flatten it out on the co-pilot's console. “Look here.”
Wash got up to look over his Captain’s shoulder.
“This way we have Reaver sightings. We skirt this area. I’m not interested in gettin’ anywhere near there. Fact, I’m thinkin’ we keep that little fact a secret only ‘tween you and me. But here,” Mal pointed an animated index finger at the map, “push ahead further into the black through here, farther than any ship’s fuel cells could carry them, and you get this planet here.”
“You don’t even know that’s a planet, Mal.” Wash rifled through the crinkled pages on the console, “Nothing in the chart analysis here says that that is a planet.”
“Don’t say it ain’t,” Mal refuted.
“It doesn’t say anything,” Wash exclaimed exasperated.
“Wash, look at it.” The Captain was enthusiastic. “It lines up perfectly with the corridors the first terra-forming settlers took from Earth.”
“In the myths, Mal….” Wash chimed in.
“Would you stop bein’ so cynical, Wash?”
“Trying hard to, Mal, but….No.” Wash was calm and serious as he walked back to his pilot’s chair and sat back down, “Consider this your voice of reason, Captain. Let’s turn back now ‘fore anyone else even has to even get wind of this.”
Silence filled the room as Mal looked down at the map again and studied it. Wash pushed some buttons on his console.
“Head for the coordinates.” The Captain pushed the star chart aside and got up, “I’ll check back later.” With that he walked out of the cockpit, leaving Wash alone in the middle of the night.
Chapter 2 by
lvs2read Mal headed for the galley after leaving the cockpit. If he was going to be up anyways, might as well have some coffee to go with his insomnia. As he stepped down off of the last stair, he spotted Simon at the stove. A half-naked Simon, with hair tousled every which way, and eyes drooping with fatigue.
Shaking his head to clear it of the sudden image of Simon lying, fully nude, tied to his bed, eyes covered by a strip of black silk, arching upwards, begging for a release denied him by the cockring imprisoning him--And where did that image come from, anyway? Not like it was the doc he usually fantasized about.--Mal grunted and said, "Didn't expect to see you up this late, Doc."
"Yes, well, River was having another nightmare. I finally got her calmed down, but now I'm the one who can't sleep. Thought I'd try some herbal tea. Would you care for some?" Simon motioned to the kettle of water he was heating.
"No, thanks. Gonna have some coffee. She doin' all right? And shouldn't you oughta put some clothes on 'fore you go traipsin' around the ship?" Mal grumbled.
"I'm so sorry to offend your sensibilities, Captain. Next time my sister screams in the middle of the night, I'll just take the time to dress before tending to her, shall I?" Simon slammed a cup down on the counter, placing a tea bag in it before adding the hot water. "And you really shouldn't be drinking coffee this late. The caffeine will just keep you up that much later."
Mal shrugged. "Already up and not plannin' to sleep anytime soon. And my sensibilities ain't offended. But you just never know who you might run into, wanderin' 'round this time o' night. Might've been Jayne come stumblin' in here. Don't think you'd want him seein' all that lily-white skin. He might go gettin' ideas." Mal smirked at Simon as he poured some coffee in his mug.
"Oh, don't you worry about that. I can handle Jayne and any ideas he might have." Simon blew on his tea then took a sip, unconsciously closing his eyes and inhaling the soothing aroma as he did so.
Mal swallowed hard at the look of contentment on Simon's face then managed to say, "Yeah, guess you probably could at that. So, uh, River's fine then?"
"I wouldn't say 'fine', but yes, she's sedated and settled in, hopefully for the rest of the night. She was going on about there being too much screaming for her to sleep, even though she was the one doing the screaming. Then she started rambling about the mathematical probabilities of finding pirate booty. As if such a thing even exists these days," Simon scoffed then sighed, "I thought she was getting better. I really did."
Even as he remembered the girl's psychic abilities, and how much they might help or hinder him, Mal reached out and gripped Simon's shoulder. "Don't take it to heart, son. She is gettin' better. Just had a bad night. We all do, now an' then."
Simon shrugged away from Mal's hand. "You know, I really wish you'd stop calling me that. You're not that much older than I am. How would you like it if I started calling you Dad?"
Mal shuddered at the thought. Touching Simon's smooth skin had had him imagining all sorts of words falling off Simon's tongue, and 'Dad' had definitely not been one of them. "Got it, Doc. You don't call me Dad, and I'll stop callin' you son. How 'bout boy, still call you that?" Mal grinned at him.
Sighing again, Simon said, "I'd rather you didn't. I do have a name, you know. I don't know why you can't just use that. You use everyone else's without hesitation."
"I'll try to bear that in mind, Doc." Mal saluted Simon with his coffee cup as he continued, "Meantime, you best be headin' off to bed 'fore you fall asleep on your feet. Wouldn't want you hurtin' yourself, fallin' down the stairs. Nobody here to fix you up good 'n proper, you do."
Simon rinsed out his cup, yawning as he did so. "I suppose you're right. Maybe the rest of the night will pass uneventfully and I can sleep until morning. Good night, Captain."
Mal watched Simon walk out of the room, recalling the feel of solid muscle under satiny skin, and wondered if the rest of Simon felt as good, before recalling himself to the matter at hand. Had some treasure to be hunting. Wouldn't do to get distracted by thoughts that were better left unthought. Setting his mug in the sink, he left the room. Might as well take a look through the ship. Make sure everything was in good shape. Do everything possible to see this little adventure went smooth.